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ultimit card contest

Luna Lovegood

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When this card and "Terrorbug King" are on the field at the same time, you can Special Summon one level 5 or lower "Terrorbug" monster from your hand. if this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Normal Monster from your hand. If the Summoned monster is destroyed during the next 3 of your opponent's turns, Special Summon 1 "Terrorbug Token" (Insect-Type/DARK/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 500) to your opponent's side of the field. During each of yor Standby Phases, draw 1 card for every "Terrorbug Token" your opponent controls.

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What are you talking about? I love the simplicity and quickness to end.


This card is also treated as a Machine-type. When this card Attacks, Attack every monster on the field. For every monster Destroyed by this card, increase it's ATK by 300. If this card Destroys one of your monsters, select 1, and Special Summon it, regardless of the Summoning Conditions, during your opponents next Standby Phase.

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This card is also treated as a DARK Fiend-Type monster. Each time your opponent Summons a monster, place 1 Mist Counter on it (max. 5). Monsters gain 200 DEF for each Mist Counter on them. Once per turn, during your opponent's Battle Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to place 1 Mist Counter on a monster your opponent controls. If a monster attacks with 1 or more Mist Counters on it, the controller of the targeted monster can change the attack target to another monster on his/her field. The controller of the targeted monster can use this effect as many times per turn as the number of Mist Counters on the 1st attacking monster during the Battle Phase of that turn.

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