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"I could have done that too" Impact shrugged "Ich kann probably run over a gap that size und kann definitely have jumped it" He told Raiden "But due to my kinetic powers, it would appear that I teleported" Impact then placed both hands on the nearest door and they seemed to disappear,the door turning to rubble a few moments later, with his hands reappearing a second after that "Kinetic powers have their limits, yes, but they are worth it" He told Raiden noting that his right hand was bleeding

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"And i thought you always had super strength, i guess." Raiden said punching the door to the otherside and walks into a field of flowers. "The other door is beyond the medows. I cant create a thunder teleportation for the both of us i guess we're walking on this one." Raiden as he stepped on some flowers, walking to the door. What kind of land is this? He thought to himself.

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"Only for a split second, enough to land a punch or throw a car" Impact told Raiden as they walked "My povers focus purely on acceleration and deceleration. Ich kann move faster than they eye can hope to see, und ich kann decelerate to nothing in less than a millisecond. By moving my entire body that fast, ich kann valk on vater und air. By moving just my fists or feet, however, ich kann generate enough momentum to break bones." He laughed "Hier ich bin, telling Sie alle meine povers, und ich know next to nothing about Sie."

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OoC: Okay then, I still have to read Kaos and Blue's posts.


"AHHHH!" Kaminari awoke, and when he did he sent another large shockwave of Red Electricity.

"Stop this!" Kaminari yelled as he stood up, Red lightning and Smoke coming from his body. He sent a blast of the Red lightning into a Nearby Mutant, who was lying on the ground screaming "Help me!"

"Feral!" More Red Lightning burst, killing even more of the Innocent Mutants, that were just trying to live alongside the Human's there entire Lives.

"Feral, I'll Kill you!" Kaminari was starting to become covered in Red Lightning, which resembled a Large Red Skeleton that took the Place of Kaminari.


OoC: This large Red Skeleton was something Electriod, Kaminari's Father could do, it acted as a Nuke, and killed everything within a 5 mile radius, including the User. It was Something that Ultimatly brought the Death of Electriod, and as Electriod was Full Superhuman, and died from it, of Course Kaminari, only half-Superhuman would not Survive.

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Feral stepped back from Kaos, his eyes fixed on the growing skeleton of electricity. He recognised it from his previous missions.

"RETREAT! RETREAT!" Feral yelled and began to dash off, followed by many soldiers. Soldiers began to climb into millitary vans dotted around the battle field and began to drive away as fast as they could.

Feral himself dived onto a platform being kept in the air by various propellers. The platform moved about 3 metres in to the air then shot through the air, following after the soldiers vans.

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