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~DarkWish vs Javier~ Vote!!!! Finish :D


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[align=center]Accept. Will get card now.


EDIT: [spoiler= Orange Fairy]158379.jpg


This card cannot be Set. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 2, you can flip this card into face-down Defense Position. When this card is flipped face-up, destroy 1 card your opponent controls and place 1 "Orange" Counter on this card (max. 3). During your End Phase, if this card has 3 "Orange" Counters on it, remove it from play. You can Tribute 1 monster you control whose Level is greater than or equal to this card to remove all "Orange" Counters from it. This effect can only be used once in the Duel.


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[align=center]Prizes? Ok


[spoiler=Necro Overload Demetor] 27xe93c.jpg

[spoiler=Effect] This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Normal Summoned by remove 2 monsters you control from play. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card from your hand to select 1 monster card on your opponent's Field and Equip it to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the monster's Level x300. Once only, you can discard your entire hand to have all of your opponent's monsters attack this card.





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DarkWish: Image wise, Great holo but terrible recolour. As for the effect, OPed consider you can absorb your opponent's monsters multiple times and its stats boost accumulates.


Javier: not a great image but it fits the name. You should specify the point that when you flip face down the card, the number of counters on the card doesn't get reset to 0. This card has better balance than DarkWIsh's card. so my vote goes to javier.

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