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The Synchro Dragon Challenge!!!

Hakiru Takagi

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If you think that you can make the best Dragon type Synchro monster on this site then post it here. There is a 1 month time frame for entries to be posted and acounted for. [End Date 10-18-09]


[/align]1) DO NOT!! use real cards or the exact same name of a real card.

2) Only Synchro Dragons may be entered, nothing else will be judged.

3) No stupid effects or unimaginable power, i.e.;Level 5 ATK/9000 DEF/8500 effect: when this card is summoned you win the match.


[align=center]TIPS FOR WINNING!!

[/align]1) Uses a specific Tuner monster. The Tuners must also be a dragon type and of your own creation. You must also have a card of the Tuner posted with your Synchron.

2) Keep the card balanced. Good effect - Lower ATK/DEF, vice-versa.

3) Try not to make the level Lower than 5 or higher than 8.


Good Luck!!

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No Fee Or Prizes? Ok, I'm In!






"Shoggun" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Synchro Summon. If your opponent destroys a face-up LIGHT Monster you control (except this card), select 1 random card in your opponent's hand and remove it from play.






[spoiler=Tuner (Not My Entry)]




When this card is Flip Summoned, it can attack your opponent's Life Points directly during the turn that it was Flip Summoned. If it does, halve the ATK of this card for the Damage Step only. If there is 1 or more "Shoggun" you control, destroy all Tuner monsters on the field. If this card is Normal Summoned, it is destroyed immediately.





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Well...^_^" i havn't quite figured that out yet, but its not a big contest, more for just braging rights. At least your card will be posted in the finished contest threads with your name beside it and people checking out your sweet synchron. (I'll have more contests with prizes, so don't you worry your pretty little head ok?) I like free stuff and so do most people.


btw: i like your signoff

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