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~Something so Misleading that You Will be Suprised!!!!!!!~


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Why do you fail so much?


That'd be considered as flaming.


Why are you a moron?


That' date=' too. Sorry, I'll try harder.


What is your favorite color assuming pink and purple (and all shades of those) vanished?



Pinks not may favorite color nor is purple.... I like red.... =D

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Are you Fat? :D





Are you Fat? :D


that was an odd question XD


How many Custom Card Sets have you made??





I Bet Shes Fat :$





Ok New Question. Do u Like Food?


do i like food... only when i'm hungry




Do you like getting married a lot in the Offical YCM Prposal Thread?


um yeah i guess it's fun




Nope :D I Like Skating :D OFF TOPIC!


Stop spammin in my thread

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Do you have a favourite Car? If so which 1?


actually yes.... I have a strange interest in a Mercedes Benz... no idea why.. i just want one




How did you find out about YCM?

my b/f told me

Why is your username Kitty Princess?

BEcause i'm the princess of felines

Do you have any friends or family in real life that go on YCM?


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