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Arm does another "Herald" image


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Remember that old topic of mine, where I made that awesome "Herald of Rainbow Light"?

(Please dont necro bump that >___>)


Anyway... the other day I was playing Spore, right?

And check out what I ended up making:



The yellow parts were added to it, just so you could see the light better.

I plan on using this image for a possible future card, just, I dont know what sort of card frame he would be used agenst.

Oh, and the orb in his hands is suposed to be like a Dark Core/"Ball of chaos" for like some sort of crazy attack.


So anyway, how do you like the image?

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Thanks :3


Pretty kool' date=' make more like that.[/color']

I would need to make a blue(Ritural), violet(Fusion), and white(Synchro) verson at some point.

But Spore doesnt exactly have those colors of lights, that shine out that far(But I could photoshop them, yo)


And I need to somewhat recolor this guy, so he actually matches one of the existing card frames.


I can haz use? :D

What, the image? or the spaceship?(provided you play Spore?)

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The image.


And if your going to use it for a card' date=' could you make it a "Herald"?


Spore images don't really fit cards, but that one might just be an exception. Awesome. We should have a Spore comp sometime, but be warned, I'm good too....

This is why I would use photoshop to shrink the image.

Oh, and Spore lets you zoom in and out ;)


awesome where do ya get all these killer ideas

I dunno' They just come to me XD

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