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Posting for Dummies <-----By Major Liam


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[align=center]Recently I have noctied people spamming just for the post counts so I am make this tut on how to get a successfull post reputation without spamming!


Ok when you rate a card for example font just say this is worng. Observe:[/align]


Jimbob: 5/10

OCG is wrong.

Jamesboiy2000:Well what is wrong with it?


[align=center]Did you see how Jimbob Didint give a reason for saying why the OCG was wrong. Allways say what is wrong and the details.


Now also I see posts in General that are just spam. Spam is when you post somthing that is offtopic or is complete jiberish.


Lets say the topic/thread is about Micheal Jacksons Death. Obsereve the 2 posts. 1st one is on topic the secound is spam:[/align]


Jimbob: It is really sad. I only heard this moring and I was so shcoked by it.

Bobby:OMG He is dead! Good!


[align=center]Notice that Bobby showed no respect and had no meaning of posting.


My last example will be Shops.


I notice that there is lots of unwanted postes in shops. Lots are demands.

A thing a shop owner doesnt want is spam becouse it will end up in the closuer of the shop. So if you need to post somthing aprat from the order PM the owner.


Thats about it so thanks for reading![/align]

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