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'Anime' seemed to be the most appropriate section for this. 'General' is kinda meh.


I'm going to cosplay for the first time on 17-18 Octobre. My costume will be a very cheap Jack Atlas (€20).

I visited the friend who would help me with it, a more experienced cosplayer, yesterday.

What I saw was very awkward.

Apart from several semi-hentai posters on the wall and entire collections of manga, I was kinda shocked to see detailed nazi clothings, complete with the Hitler cross thingy.

According to him, it's very normal to cosplay as nazis on 18+ conventions.


Is this normal, or is he kinda weird(ish)?

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a lot of halloweens ago, I went as Kankuro from Naruto.

yeah, i know, but it was sweet because I had like, the best costume. Puppet & everything.

But no pockets.... lol nowhere for mah hands D:

nowadays, no, you wouldn't catch me dead doing that, unless it's something a bit

less kiddish :P like maybe going as Spike Spiegel or something less dramatic XD

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I'd say it depends' date=' was the Nazi clothing for a generic Nazi or a specific one?





Anyways, I'm going to do Jack Atlus; seems pretty cool.

Downside is; my hair is too long XD but we'll find a solution for that.

I'll send pics after the convention.


Sounds great.


Generic Nazi you say? Well, the main reason most people I know cosplay is 1. to show off what they can do and 2. to get a reaction. A Nazi uniform would get a pretty big reaction i'd guess. So it's probably nothing big.

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I find Cosplaying a Stupid thing to do' date=' when your my Age, 19.


But, why do people feel obliged to Dress up like Idiots, wearing Ridicules Costumes, that were never meant to be seen in the Real World.


I only ever Dress up for Halloween Party's and Such.



If it was something for kids, why would there be 18+ conventions?

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I find Cosplaying a Stupid thing to do' date=' when your my Age, 19.


But, why do people feel obliged to Dress up like Idiots, wearing Ridicules Costumes, that were never meant to be seen in the Real World.


I only ever Dress up for Halloween Party's and Such.



Because it's fun, silly~

Plus, it gives people a chance to express themselves, and it allows them to meet other people with common interests. There's nothing idiotic about it.


Anyway, I've, uhm, never seen a Nazi cosplay before, no. xD

I was going to go to Animazement, but I ended up not being able to go. =/ I even had a Hikaru (Ouran) cosplay done, too. D: Everyone who was willing to take me was either sick, or had work. >>;;

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I find Cosplaying a Stupid thing to do' date=' when your my Age, 19.


But, why do people feel obliged to Dress up like Idiots, wearing Ridicules Costumes, that were never meant to be seen in the Real World.


I only ever Dress up for Halloween Party's and Such.



Because it's fun, silly~

Plus, it gives people a chance to express themselves, and it allows them to meet other people with common interests. There's nothing idiotic about it.


Anyway, I've, uhm, never seen a Nazi cosplay before, no. xD

I was going to go to Animazement, but I ended up not being able to go. =/ I even had a Hikaru (Ouran) cosplay done, too. D: Everyone who was willing to take me was either sick, or had work. >>;;


Damn for you then :(


I'm just going because a DMG cosplayster asked me to try it once. Bloody testosterone...

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I find Cosplaying a Stupid thing to do' date=' when your my Age, 19.


But, why do people feel obliged to Dress up like Idiots, wearing Ridicules Costumes, that were never meant to be seen in the Real World.


I only ever Dress up for Halloween Party's and Such.



If it was something for kids, why would there be 18+ conventions?


Because there are! It doesn't matter why, and I thought I could just Voice my opinion on the matter, and everybody would go on like I never even posted, that's how it usually goes.


Damn you for paying attention.


For the Adults\Young Adults that feel obliged to do so, with other people there Age.

Also, I only talked about Cosplaying, I didn't voice my opinion, on Comic\Anime Conventions, I myself go to those quite commonly.

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