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stupid cards contest


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ZiZi the stupid

4 star

ATK 100

DEF 50

effect when this is summoned you take 3000 direct points of damage


Avility the Stupid

4 star

ATK 50

DEF 50

effect when this card is summoned discard all in your hand to the graveyard


Mieskym The Stupid

4 star

ATK 50

DEF 1000

effect when this card is summoned discard the top 5 cards of the top of your deck to the graveyard


Avility's Sword


effect equip this card to Avility The Stupid you take 1000 damage each turn



ZiZi's Axe



equip this card to ZiZi The Stupid discard one card from your hand to the graveyard each turn




mieskym's Staff

equip this card to Mieskym The stupid each turn discard the top card on your deck to the graveyard

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Avility the Stupid and Mieskym The Stupid are actually pretty good. Avility for Dark World. And Meiskym for DDT, or bazoo return. If Meis came out, it would be banned or at least limited, easily becoming one of the most sought after cards ever.

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