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Interdimensional Neos Fusion Save?

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I was dueling a friend last night, and he was winning, 2800, to 400, at one point, during the end. I managaed to win because of a Dice Jar. He accused me of cheating, but I didn't believe him until I found out I used a 20-sided dice instead of a 6-sided dice :lol: (I don't run Dice Jar, don't worry.)


Anyways, before the duel was over, he had a Flare Neos on the field, without Neo Space. Before I went, he activated Interdimensional Matter Transporter to remove Flare Neos from play, and then the next turn, Flare would come back for one more turn, then be destroyed, but I said he was wrong. We had an argument, then decided Flare was destroyed. We still yelled at each other after the duel, but I kept him in check by reminding him he lost to a 20-sided Dice Jar. :lol::lol:


Ok, so the whole duel was fake, rigged, and completly messed up, but still. I woke up at 2:15 this morning, and I was up all night. But still, is that Matter/Neos Fusion actually possible, or did I lie again to protect myself from embarassment?

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i susally use a 20-side die to mark counters...



and about the matter/neos issue... that's right, if flare neos is not face-up on the field at the end phase it will be on the field for another turn... i think it happens the same here that happens to a fusion monster special summoned with summoner of illusions or magical scientist... the monster will stay for another turn...


but flare neos is not destroyed but returned to the fusion deck...

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I'm slightly confused by this situation. Your opponent activated IDMS on Flare Neos and it stayed for an extra turn, how? As I see it, you can activate IDMS all you want, but its effect states that it comes back in the End Phase of the turn that you activate it. So, wouldn't it just come back to the field and then be returned to the Fusion Deck?

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So' date=' Interdimensional Matter DOES have strategies? :lol:...


Something totally new if you ask me XD



This is nothing new. It can be used to evade anything that targets and doesn't target and can be useful for saving important monsters. Combined with Dark Magician of Chaos you have a Strike Ninja Beatstick that gets you a Spell from your grave everytime it comes back! I've been keeping that combo to myself for a very long time, but the world must know now.


You : Summons Dark Magician of Chaos and retreves a Premature Burial.

Opponent : Activates Phoenix Wing Wind Blast on DMoC and discards 1 card.

You : Activates Interdimensional Matter Transporter on DMoC. Then activates Premature Burial on Jinzo for a direct attack. You get DMoC back and along with a Nobleman of Crossout.


Opponent : -2400 LP, -1 PWWB and -1 Discard.

You : -800 LP, -1 IMT, + 1 Jinzo and + 1 Nobleman


The main point is that when combined, they are a +1.

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No' date=' it'd be removed from play for the 1 turn, then it'd come back during the end phase, then be destroyed during the NEXT end phase.


At least, that's what I think.



IDMT doesn't remove a monster from play specifically for a turn, just until the end of the turn it was activated. It says so on the card :P If you activated before your opponent's turn (i.e. your End Phase) then it'd just come back in your turn, not your opponent's.

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