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Spiritual Lock=Minimoding


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I think spiritual locking should be considered minimodding. Consider- a moderator is only a moderator in his/her assigned section. Elsewhere (s)he is just another member. However, allow spiritual locks, and any mod can make themself a super mod, which is unfair as the fact that they are only a regular mod means they are not ready for that kind of responsibility. Therefor, I suggest that spiritual locks be made illegal, as, just like mini-modding, they are an example of a person demonstrating authority in a place where they have none.

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Yes' date=' but a Report may not be enough. A Mod shows authority and tells people to move on. Of course the more Members that report said topic the better of course



Sometimes a report may not be enough, but when a regular member tries to do anything about it, its minimodding. :/


Painfully. You speak the truth Dan.

But, he does reserve the right to issue bans etc as necessary assuming he does not do that.

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