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Ritual Buster

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[align=center]Name: Ritual Buster

Card Type: Trap

Spell/Trap Type: Normal





Activate when you Ritual Summoned a Ritual Monster. Until your next turn's Standby Phase, your opponent cannot use or activate the effects of Spell and Trap Cards.




You summon out "Black Luster Soldier" then activate "Ritual Buster" when your opponent has "Final Countdown" with 3 turns left before BOOM! So with "Ritual Buster" you dis-activate "Final Countdown" for a turn, use "Radaki" to remove all his/her monsters. Boom! In 2 turns you have your opponent in the garbage.



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Cold wave is better even in Ritual Decks' date=' even at 1 lol.



But you can't use your ritual spell in the same turn. This, you can.




*crowd 'ooooooooo's in condiscendance*


That made sense, and completely negated my last statement.


I love ritual Support. Sure, it's not as productive as Synchro, but better than Fusion.

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just great, Rituals have their own permanent one-sided and free Royal Oppression and now your opponent can't even activate Spells and Traps.

In a Ritual Deck this is awesome and its not even hard to pull.

Now we only need to lock monster effects from your opponent. ;)

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just great' date=' Rituals have their own permanent one-sided and free Royal Oppression and now your opponent can't even activate Spells and Traps.

In a Ritual Deck this is awesome and its not even hard to pull.

Now we only need to lock monster effects from your opponent. ;)


Ritual Summonable Plasma maybe?


Drain Burger would be so awesome.

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