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[Disc]Blackwing Gale the Whirlwind

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its limited for a reason' date=' whats to discuss



Not really, they should've just banned Black Whirlwind and left it at three. =/


No, no, no!


Ban = No

Left it at 3? = No


It's okay for a Anti-Dragon Deck.


Dragon = High attack

High Attack + this = ATK FAIL.


Um, what? Gale should be at 1 and Black Whirlwind shouldn't be banned because Gale's "good anti-Dragon?" >_>


Dragons are tier 0


Failgons are tier 0.


Good REDRUM Horus Spam is Tier 3 at worst.

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Nigro whirlwind is a rota on crack, it should be at 0 or at the very least 1.

Gale is easily searchible by tomato, whirlwind, swallows nest, Shura, and sangan.


Dark Eruption target.

can beat any monster with 2550 or less, or weakens big monsters with no cost.


level 3.



hmmmm and tell me why should he be at 3? just because u traded out the butt for a playset? or u got tons and didnt sell them off when the going was good?

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Nigro whirlwind is a rota on crack' date=' it should be at 0 or at the very least 1.

Gale is easily searchible by tomato, whirlwind, swallows nest, Shura, sangan, and [b']Sphere of Chaos[/b].


Dark Eruption target.

can beat any monster with 2550 or less, or weakens big monsters with no cost.


level 3.



You forgot one. :p


Anyway being at 1 is just fine by me. This card is better than shrink since it halves the current attack, not just original attack, and has many resources to get this card and use this card. Not to mention you can re-use this effect next turn if for some reason it wasn't destroyed or you didn't tune it for a synchro. Not to mention Gale isn't affected by Gravity Bind or Level Limit Area-B. This is just one of those cards that can go in nearly every deck.

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its limited for a reason' date=' whats to discuss



Not really, they should've just banned Black Whirlwind and left it at three. =/


No, no, no!


Ban = No

Left it at 3? = No


It's okay for a Anti-Dragon Deck.


Dragon = High attack

High Attack + this = ATK FAIL.


Um, what? Gale should be at 1 and Black Whirlwind shouldn't be banned because Gale's "good anti-Dragon?" >_>


Dragons are tier 0


Failgons are tier 0.


Good REDRUM Horus Spam is Tier 3 at worst.


Tier? What is a tier?


No rly. What is a tier?

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Gale is limited not because of it's pwnage effect, it's limited because of it's splashablility with it's pwnage effect. Whirlwind should be limited soully because having more than one on the field is just... pwnage doesn't cover it. Ban? I don't think so. Yeah it's cheap and annoying, but without even one the entire deck is dead...


Anyways, Gale at 1 seems a bit much, but understandable. Whirlwind untouched... Failnomi fails.

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its limited for a reason' date=' whats to discuss



Not really, they should've just banned Black Whirlwind and left it at three. =/


No, no, no!


Ban = No

Left it at 3? = No


It's okay for a Anti-Dragon Deck.


Dragon = High attack

High Attack + this = ATK FAIL.


Um, what? Gale should be at 1 and Black Whirlwind shouldn't be banned because Gale's "good anti-Dragon?" >_>


Dragons are tier 0


Failgons are tier 0.


Good REDRUM Horus Spam is Tier 3 at worst.


Tier? What is a tier?


No rly. What is a tier?

Something that runs down your face when you cry.

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its limited for a reason' date=' whats to discuss



Not really, they should've just banned Black Whirlwind and left it at three. =/


No, no, no!


Ban = No

Left it at 3? = No


It's okay for a Anti-Dragon Deck.


Dragon = High attack

High Attack + this = ATK FAIL.


Um, what? Gale should be at 1 and Black Whirlwind shouldn't be banned because Gale's "good anti-Dragon?" >_>


Dragons are tier 0


Stupid post. A Decktype being good doesn't mean certain cards should be banned because they inconvenience it. Dragons made a fluke appearance in Ireland, but they still got trumped by LS and are still Tier 2.

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Shrink in legs?


Not exactly - for one' date=' its effect isn't multitrigger.




Its relative weakness - statwise - would deter play in decks other than Blackwings.


That much.



Summon => Shrink => Synchro = Profit, and since it's lvl 3, it's even more useable =/ Who cares if it's weak in stats? It isn't used for it's stats.

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