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Sanity Pl0x

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"New! Cyber Dragon, Dark Armed Dragon, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Morphing Jar, Rescue Cat, Sangan, Snipe Hunter, Summoner Monk, Brain Control, Heavy Storm, Monster Gate, Smashing Ground, United We Stand, Call of the Haunted, Ceasefire, Mirror Force, Return from the Different Dimension, Solemn Judgment, Torrential Tribute, Trap Dustshoot, Goyo Guardian, Ally of Justice Catastor, Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, Cyber End Dragon, Chimeratech Overdragon, Cyber Twin Dragon"


.....wut? 1-for-1 with luck involved banned???


I know alot of players have beef with... all the cards you mentioned. However you created a butt-load of new ones...


like Bestiari at Two, ARA and Three and Demise at 2,...if this was the real list I'd Quit.

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