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What do you think of 1 and 2 stars when they arrive


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I have different views of different people. If they do things that contradict common sense. I will bash them. This happens very little.


These guys are trying to get accepted, so I don't act on them too harshly. If they spam, I just tell them not to spam. If they spam way too much, then their main purpose is to annoy us, and that is when certian actions must be taken.

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I think of them as like little children. As they spend more time on the forums and if they become responible users and good at making cards' date=' RPs, and posts, they have become adults here. If they spam and such, they're still kids, and need to be punished.



Time to get out the dicipline paddle Banhammer!!

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I think of them as, well, what they are. New members.


If they type correctly, make a decent 1st card, and follow the rules, then they are successful.

(type correctly meaning none of :I dont spend 20 houres of my life on dis game like u do. Most of them are typos).


If they disobey the rules, then I give them a warning. If they continue, I start getting harsh and neg them. However, if they purposely disobey the rules (which is sometimes obvious to tell) then they are obviously here to trouble-make because they think its funny.


So.....I think of them as just new members. Just tell them to read the rules. If they do, then there is a pretty decent percentage that they will be successful and make good cards (along with other things).

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