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[DISC]Treasure of Harmony

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If Dragon Tuners aren't in Absolute Powerforce' date=' then this card becomes almost as bad as the Bamboo Equip Spell.



Bamboo by itself is bad.

Bamboo tricked out with 3 Golden Bamboos is amazing.


OT: WSoL doesnt miss the timing guys.. since it is a mandatory effect (i.e. not giving you the choice whether or not to do it) it activates at the end of the chain. That means that its effect is triggered after you draw the cards, if you have no Blue Eyes in your Deck then oh well. the effect disappears. But if you do, you do gain an additional card. Now this i can see maybe in some sort of Ritual Deck, as you could use BlueEyes as hand fodder. Otherwise i dont know when you would really like to use this combo other than lolATK of the Vanillas.


With Dragunities, this would be amazing. With Dragunities and Cyberdarks, this would be awesome. It only speeds up the process of discarding the Dragunity Tuner to get a Synchro, as well as giving you two more cards.


Even though we have limited options it is still a good card. We can only hope that we get Dragunities soon, and/or there will be more weak Dragon Tuners in the set. :D

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