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A question and a story


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Well, a while ago i made a thread about call of the mummy and vam gen. This is just one of there replys when i showed them the forum showing they fail so badly XD.


....: omg those guys are idiots

Me: Not really... atleast they know how to use pieces of paper to there best :D

T_T: Call of the mummy can special summon any zombie in your hand, you can summon despair from the dark from your hand!

Me: What happones when you don't have it in your hand...

(He pretty much just walked off -_-)

Reading down the forum...

....: Blue eyes white dragon works in a blackwing deck! blackwings need some kind of fire power!

Me: u like dragons?

....: yes

Me: take a look at this

...: what



This actally 100% happoned, and the thing i clicked was larrycotter's i summon these! Now heres the question...


What is the more powerful zombie in Duel Monsters?


NOTE: the upper part was pointless, i just wanted to post that just because i like telling storys :D

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....: Blue eyes white dragon works in a blackwing deck! blackwings need some kind of fire


Blue-Eyes White Dragon is a horrible card unless ran in a deck dedicated to it. And evne then, that deck isn't anywhere close to meta. Blackwings don't need fire power since they control the field so easily. And if you DO want the fire power, use their effects to give them more attack or to lower the opponent's attack/def. Not crappy monsters.


On-Topic: I can't seem to come across a PSZ but it's amazing. One of the best zombies. Nothing more needs to be said about it.

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