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How far do you go to protect your cards.

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For me' date=' I have card slevees, deck box and a playmat. The slevees are utrapro and so is the deck box and the playmat it got off some website.



Lolultraprosleeves tend to tear aftter a few months. I've been using these orange sleeves (I forget the brand, I'll post the name of the brand after I get back from hobby league,) and I've been using them since back around the time that the 2009 starter deck (yes, the one with airbellum,) came out. I've bought a few extra packs of orange sleeves for each of my decks though. They're still in great shape. (So are the cards.) I also have a deckbox (the black one with the yugioh logo,) and a Naruto Shippuden mat.

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The super awesome form-fit sleeves tend to go bad fairly quickly. I bought some really cool ones like 1-2 months ago and they are becoming worn on the sides. I'm probably going to buying the magic-size sleeves just because they rock and using those to be the outside cover with the inside ones being the really crappy ones from the tins, that might make it easier to keep them centered. Hate it when they pile to one side...

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I go through sleeves as fast as I wake up. I like the slick feeling they have, and when that fades I change them. I use player's choice sleeves and the 2009 Nationals play mat.


The super awesome form-fit sleeves tend to go bad fairly quickly. I bought some really cool ones like 1-2 months ago and they are becoming worn on the sides. I'm probably going to buying the magic-size sleeves just because they rock and using those to be the outside cover with the inside ones being the really crappy ones from the tins' date=' that might make it easier to keep them centered. Hate it when they pile to one side...



I remember when I used to double sleeve... then I got a game loss. XP

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All my Decks (4, of which I only use 1 frequently) are sleeved. They're all in 1 Tin. I've got another tin consisting of mostly 5D-commons, and a large binder with other commons. (I'll be putting the tinned commons in the map when I've got time.)

Everything above Rare is in a small binder.

My playmat is Hobbly League DAD mat.

All of that fits neatly into a NIKE backpack, along with a booklet, a byro, a calculator, and several papers with rulings on them.

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I play my cards sleeveless, and they're in super gem mint condition and can't be damaged. Except by hackers. 8)


Lulz' date=' I was expecting something like 'would you Solemn a Fissure'.[/size']



Me too. I once Solemned a Smashing Ground against Akira, he was like "lol desperate" or something, but I had some sorta plan for that monster right? We both won a game, and he didn't have time for a third so we called it a draw. Not sure whether the one where I Solemned Smashing was the one I won or lost though. xP

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I go through sleeves as fast as I wake up. I like the slick feeling they have' date=' and when that fades I change them. I use player's choice sleeves and the 2009 Nationals play mat.


The super awesome form-fit sleeves tend to go bad fairly quickly. I bought some really cool ones like 1-2 months ago and they are becoming worn on the sides. I'm probably going to buying the magic-size sleeves just because they rock and using those to be the outside cover with the inside ones being the really crappy ones from the tins, that might make it easier to keep them centered. Hate it when they pile to one side...


I remember when I used to double sleeve... then I got a game loss. XP






that's what you get for double-sleeving, n00b.


no, i'm just kidding. you can get Game Loss for double sleeving?

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