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Tag Teams and countering annoying Burn Decks.

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I will be playing in a Tourney this sunday that is, of course, a tagteam tournament.


The demographic of players will be playing Gift Card Reficule/Chain Strike Burn and Vayu Turbo/Blackwings, and I need to either build something better than that, or build a deck that counters it.


I was thinking of Dark World or Royal Opression.


I have no ideas on builds, but what would you suggest?


Also, a base discussion on




In other words, Prime Material Dragon and Dark Snake Syndrome.

Someone built a deck around this and stalled until the Duel ended, and since he won the first duel with REDRUM, he stalled the crap out of the game with these guys in his side deck and won by default.

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If somebody honestly couldn't get rid of either of the 2 cards for the entire duel they must have sucked really badly (or maybe it had gotten to the point where you both had so many LP it didn't matter?)


LP stacks really fast.

and Dark Bribe killed my MST and Heavy Storm.

I didn't get to draw my Giant Trun in time.

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