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[DISC] Spiritualism

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It's like a mini trunade which can't be negated...

Now, I'm kinda confused as to the rulings that the wikia give me.


It says that Sonic Jammer can indeed prevent you from playing this card, while Spell Canceler can't (despite the fact that both effects are similarly).


Is it because 1 effect is continuous?

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Now' date=' I'm kinda confused as to the rulings that the wikia give me.


It says that Sonic Jammer can indeed prevent you from playing this card, while Spell Canceler can't (despite the fact that both effects are similarly).



That is complete inconsistency. Sonic Jammer is exactly the same as Spell Canceler, except it does not negate any effects already in play. Against Normal Spells, they are virtually identical.


So therefore both technically can stop this, since they are not "negating the activation." They are flat out preventing any activation from occurring to begin with.

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MST > This


*Obligatory agreement text.*


MST > This


Except it's stopped by Bribe' date=' and it's limited. But ya



Except that Dust Tornado's also better and they'll just Set their card again next turn, unless you're ready to try and go for an OTK, at which point they'll likely have multiple Set S/Ts by. Now that Solemn's Limited, there's really no excuse. Bribe's hardly splashable.


Oh, and this can't stop chainables, which MST and Dust can pre-negate.

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actually, spell canceler is a continuous effect monster. sonic jammer is flip effect.

in other words, spell canceler's effect doesnt really activate or resolve in a traditional sense, whereas sonic jammer activates and then, barring any wraths or chariots, is immediately resolved, and its effect applies throughout the turn.


the same reason you cant war chariot spell canceler is the same reason jammer stops this.

its trippy, but it does make sense.



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actually' date=' spell canceler is a continuous effect monster. sonic jammer is flip effect.

in other words, spell canceler's effect doesnt really activate or resolve in a traditional sense, whereas sonic jammer activates and then, barring any wraths or chariots, is immediately resolved, and its effect applies throughout the turn.


the same reason you cant war chariot spell canceler is the same reason jammer stops this.

its trippy, but it does make sense.




How the effect comes into play has no bearing on how it is applied after they are active. After activation, Sonic Jammer is no different than Spell Canceler, as they are both now static effects. And War Chariot has nothing to do with Spiritualism; they are are two separate and different cases.


The question is how the two cards are different after they are active, which is when they would apply to Spiritualism.

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i kind of just explained that chief.

you cant divine wrath or war chariot a continuous effect because it doesnt activate.

however a flip effect activates and resolves.


how the effect comes into play has every bearing on how it is applied after it resolves, since continuous spells dont resolve in the same way a flip effect resolves.

the point is, spiritualism cant be negated by spell canceler because its constantly trying to apply itself, and spiritualism cant be negated like that.

however, because sonic jammer would have already resolved, spiritualism cant ignore his effect.


like i said, its trippy, but thats the difference.



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i think you would have to know something about spiritualism's original purpose. at some point, lock down was effective, and this card was made to circumvent lockdowns. i believe it was created to combat things like imperial order. not entirely sure but derp.


it has to do with the timing, and the type of magic. i cant explain it any clearer.

i agree that its stupid. but thats just this game.


if you chain skill drain to a bestiari targeting the face down skill drain, and the best-controller book-of-moons the bestiari, then best lives, skill drain dies, and i quit the game. you can chain stardust to the oppression of a dead plaguespreader trying to reborn himself.

there are a lot of things that run with their own convoluted logic that on occasion runs contrary to standard thought.

thats one of the real problems i have with this game.



it wouldnt really be too hard to streamline everything. it would just cost them some money, time and effort. 3 things konami doesnt like expending.






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