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What Moves You?


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What makes you live every day, do what you do?

Is it a song? Is it a person? Is it your friends?


Personally i live to be with my friends, my favorite songs are: Dame!(Samurai X 7th ending) and Lux Aeterna, I have several mottos for my life:

"Live until you die"


"You only live once"


"Ask for forgiveness, not permission"


"Live free, die well"


"Die happy"


So what about YOU?

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I thought You Only Live Twice. :D And you Live and Let Die. :D In fact, it would be a lot better if we all just Die Another Day. :D I gotta stop with these corny movie puns.

anyways, i'm not really sure what makes me live from day to day. Family, friends, videogames, and other stuff.

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