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Toxic Tournament - LOCK please


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Sorry to keep you waiting, here's my card.


[spoiler=Lore] As long as this card remains face-up on the field, each time a player loses Life Points as result of a card effect, increase the players Life points instead. Once per turn, during you Standby Phase, destroy 1 Monster on your side of the field to Special Summon 1 monster from your Deck, hand or Graveyard with the same name as the destroyed monster.


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Here's my card for the Finals.


[spoiler=Lore] You can Special summon this card from your hand, by eather Tributing 2 Dinosaur-Type monster's or by Tributing 2 Machine-Type monster's from your side of the field. This card gains 1 of the following effects based on the way this card is Summoned:

- Normal Summoned: This card is also treated as a Machine-Type monster.

- Special Summoned by tributing 2 Dinosaur-Type monster's: Each time this card inflict Battle Damage, Increase the ATK of 1 Dinosaur-Type monster (except "Metal Armored Reptor") by 300.

- Special Summoned by tributing 2 Machine-Type monster's: This card is treated as a Machine-Type monster. Once per turn, by discarding 2 cards from your hand, until the End Phase of this turn, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.


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Here is mine. I've done an Advanced Holo version as well.


[spoiler=Speed Mech Dark Hornet]111097s.jpg111097u.jpg


[spoiler=Lore:]When this card is Normal Summoned, decrease its ATK by 800. If this card is destroyed as a result of Battle, return it to your Hand. If this card is the only card in your Hand, you can Special Summon this card from your Hand. Once per turn, during your opponent's Battle Phase you can Release 1 monster you control to Special Summon this card from your Hand.


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