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Toxic Tournament - LOCK please


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Round 2:


[spoiler=Lore]Each time a player gains Life Points (except by this card's effect), they lose that many Life Points instead. Each time a player loses Life Points (except by this card's effect), they gain that many Life Points instead. During each End Phase, if a player has 9000 or more Life Points, they lose the Duel.


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My Round 2 Cards:




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except with the effect of "Dragon Amulet Stone". This card cannot be targeted and is unaffected by the effects of other Monsters, Spells, and Traps except "Dragon Amulet Stone" and "Queen's Decision". When this card is Summoned, you win the Duel.



Pay half of your Life Points search your hand and Deck for "Sky Ruler, Wimas" and remove it from play.



By paying the half of your Life Points and offering 2 Level 6 or higher Dragon-Type monsters on your side of the field as Tributes. Special Summon 1 monster was remove from play by the effect of "Queen's Decision".

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Here are my card's.

[spoiler=Ultimate Finish Combo]48872jq.jpg

[spoiler=Lore] This card can only be activated when you have 4000 or less Live Points and your opponent has 8000 or more Life Points, and while you have no Cards on your side of the field. Special Summon 1 "Z'rak, Lord of the Ending" from you hand, Deck, Graveyard or Removed from play zone.




[spoiler=Lore] This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of Ültimate Reversal". This card cannot be targeted and is unaffected by the effects of Monsters, Spells, and Traps except for "Ultimate Reversal". Each time this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent, Place 1 Ragnarok Counter on this card. When there are 5 Ragnarok Counters on this card, you win the Duel.




Btw. I've changed my name as you can probably see.

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Really? Sorry, I just thought that you actually have a 1 card combo (you could just write "after 10 turns, you win the Duel"), adding the 2012 thing is useless (but you would use a 80 card deck anyway...).


4 members left to post, 2 days left (if anybody decides NOT to post, that would make me happy, making my job easier...)

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It just means that the combo does have weaknesses, like a discard deck with morphing jar and sinister serpent etc. Or a DD deck that removes cards sent to the graveyard. All instant win cards have to have weaknesses or they'd be OPed. Plus, it means cards like Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell can negate the instant win effect.

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Round 3"



[spoiler=Lore]Each time this card is destroyed by battle, Special Summon it. When this card is Special Summoned, it gains ATK equal to the Battle Damage inflicted to your Life Points this turn. Each time you opponent activates a Trap Card, negate its effect(s) and destroy it. Then, this card inflict 500 damage to you. When this card has been Special Summoned more then 3 times, remove it from play.


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[spoiler=Infernos the King of Flames]111097n.jpg


[spoiler=Lore]When this card is Advanced Summoned, destroy all other monsters you control. Each time a monster(s) you control is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, for each monster destroyed Special Summon 1 "Flame Token" (Pyro-Type/FIRE/Level 3/ATK 1200/DEF 700) in Attack Position. The Summoned Token's Battle Position cannot be changed and it cannot be released for an Advanced Summon. As long as this card is Face-Up on your Field, all monsters your opponent controls must attack "Flame Token"s if possible.



The effect is quite strong, but I've tried to balance it out by making the tokens unable to be released or to have their Battle Position changed and by making him Lv7.

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Thanks, here it is. [spoiler=Infernos the King of Flames]111097.jpg[spoiler=Lore]When this card is Advanced Summoned, destroy all other monsters you control. Each time a monster(s) you control is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, for each monster destroyed Special Summon 1 "Flame Token" (Pyro-Type/FIRE/Level 3/ATK 1200/DEF 700) in Attack Position. This Token's Battle Position cannot be changed. As long as you control more monsters than your opponent, your opponent's monster must attack "Flame Token"s you control if possible. If you take 1000 or more damage from a card effect, you can destroy 1 "Flame Token" you control to gain 2000 Life Points.


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Round 3 card


Lore: This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Voodoo Puppet Ritual ". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.

As long as this card remains face-up on the field any damage to your Life Points from card effects you control are dealt to your opponent instead.


P.S. - If the ritual spell card is needed i will add it later or PM you etc.

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