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"Delete All" Option

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What if someone accessed to your account (somehow)' date=' and clicked on this option ! [b']Who what are the odds of that?[/b]


Just keep deleting its a good excercise for your fingers 8)Sorry i already am a Video Gamer. Don't need the extra excersise XD.


No support What are you Nuts.


out of the above i think you can tell i support this =D


Lol, adding ^-^.


IDK' date=' I kinda would like that, but kinda not. In case I accidently click it or something. Trust me I am clumsy.



So...support or not?


No Support.

I understand why you would want this so you could delete all your bad cards but consider the programing you would have to do to get this plus even if they are noobish you can learn from mistakes.


Well, not to be mean but you should get you shouldn't just suggest that someones cards "might" be noobish simply because you don't know them.


And whats learning from your mistakes have to do with deleting old and useless cards?


I suggested this idea so people (including myself) can delete their hundreds of cards that makes them lag when they enter the card maker.

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I personally would not want to delete ALL my cards but I think that it would help others a lot so I support.


Adding now ^-^


I think that the Set Deleter is a better idea because it's highly unlikely that someone will want to delete all of there cards. Even if they did it would be just as easier to delete them with the Set Deleter that was thought up by someone o.o forgot the name.


Sorry but no support :[


Yea but for the people who DON'T save their cards in Sets (like I did for the first 130 or so cards I made), the Set Deleter would be pointless since its not deleting a set (because "Unsorted" is not identified as a set).

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I think that the Set Deleter is a better idea because it's highly unlikely that someone will want to delete all of there cards. Even if they did it would be just as easier to delete them with the Set Deleter that was thought up by someone o.o forgot the name.


Sorry but no support :[


Yea but for the people who DON'T save their cards in Sets (like I did for the first 130 or so cards I made)' date= the Set Deleter would be pointless since its not deleting a set (because "Unsorted" is not identified as a set).



As far as I see it, we have 4 options:


1) Implement both mass-delete functions

2) Implement my "Save all to sets" button and the set deleter

3) Implement this and an import/export function

4) Don't bother implementing any mass-delete functions



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I think that the Set Deleter is a better idea because it's highly unlikely that someone will want to delete all of there cards. Even if they did it would be just as easier to delete them with the Set Deleter that was thought up by someone o.o forgot the name.


Sorry but no support :[


Yea but for the people who DON'T save their cards in Sets (like I did for the first 130 or so cards I made)' date= the Set Deleter would be pointless since its not deleting a set (because "Unsorted" is not identified as a set).



As far as I see it, we have 4 options:


1) Implement both mass-delete functions

2) Implement my "Save all to sets" button and the set deleter

3) Implement this and an import/export function

4) Don't bother implementing any mass-delete functions




I believe that your second option is much more realistic. As, if you don't make cards anymore there is no need to delete all of them, you could just ignore the Card Generator.

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It would save time. I could almost picture it in the generator. Almost. You have my support' date=' I guess.





I support.

I wanna delete all of my n00b cards...




Using the delete all will delete all of you cards. Even the ones you would rather keep.


Yes but what if all of Meta's cards are n00b and thats what he meant of deleting them all ... 0.o

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I think that the Set Deleter is a better idea because it's highly unlikely that someone will want to delete all of there cards. Even if they did it would be just as easier to delete them with the Set Deleter that was thought up by someone o.o forgot the name.


Sorry but no support :[


Yea but for the people who DON'T save their cards in Sets (like I did for the first 130 or so cards I made)' date= the Set Deleter would be pointless since its not deleting a set (because "Unsorted" is not identified as a set).



As far as I see it, we have 4 options:


1) Implement both mass-delete functions

2) Implement my "Save all to sets" button and the set deleter

3) Implement this and an import/export function

4) Don't bother implementing any mass-delete functions




I believe that your second option is much more realistic. As, if you don't make cards anymore there is no need to delete all of them, you could just ignore the Card Generator.


Now that I think about it, it'd be pretty helpful if there was an import/export set button.

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I think that the Set Deleter is a better idea because it's highly unlikely that someone will want to delete all of there cards. Even if they did it would be just as easier to delete them with the Set Deleter that was thought up by someone o.o forgot the name.


Sorry but no support :[


Yea but for the people who DON'T save their cards in Sets (like I did for the first 130 or so cards I made)' date= the Set Deleter would be pointless since its not deleting a set (because "Unsorted" is not identified as a set).



As far as I see it, we have 4 options:


1) Implement both mass-delete functions

2) Implement my "Save all to sets" button and the set deleter

3) Implement this and an import/export function

4) Don't bother implementing any mass-delete functions




I believe that your second option is much more realistic. As, if you don't make cards anymore there is no need to delete all of them, you could just ignore the Card Generator.


Now that I think about it, it'd be pretty helpful if there was an import/export set button.


Make a thread on it maybe? ^-^

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