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*~Awesome Anime Club~*

Curse Sasuke

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Here at the AAC it does cost to get in (4 points) but we do various things involving some of the most epic anime ever. Such as contests and what not your admission fee will cover all contest fees. You paying the intial 5 points gets you automatic reminders about contests and free admission where as the PLATIMUM MEMBERSHIP cost 8 points and gets you an automatic reminder about contests and reminders about upcomming events and it also gurrentees you a spot for judging if you wish.


[spoiler=Sign Up Here]



*favorite anime

*Favorite character from that peticular anime




[spoiler=Upcomming Events]

*Code Lyoko Disscussion

*Naruto Card Contest

*DBZ Disscusion

*Bleach Card Contest

*Ultimate Super Dooper Fantastic Thing That I havent thought of yet :)




[spoiler=Current Members]

*Captain Hitsugiya







*Captain Hitsugiya




[spoiler=Ban List]






*No Spamming

*Stay on topic

*Stay Appropriate this is for all ages

*Failure to do any of the above will result in consequences

~Consequence 1-Suspension of Club Membership

~Consequence 2-Ban From Club For and extended period of time /Perminate Ban




If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to PM me Thx.

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