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VainZiler's Card Shark's Contest! (Finished)


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Welcome, to the Second weekly contest of VainZiler's club, Card Sharks. Hosted by me, the-Champion #1, This Contest is open only to members of VainZiler's club. Not a member? Go join! This contest will run Till this coming Sunday.



1. You must Make 2 Monsters, and 1 Spell Card.

2. First Monster, Must be Either Beast or Beast-Warrior with an Effect.

3. Second Monster, a Support to the First Monster.

4. Third Card, (Spell Card) Another Support to the first or Second Monster.




1. Effectiveness

2. Card Grammar

3. Card Balance



1st--20 Points + 3 Rep

2nd-15 Points + 2 Rep

3rd--5 Points + 1 Rep


I'm the-champion #1 and I'm Hosting this Contest, all i have to say is Good luck Card Sharks.


Contest Results


First Place: I have been looking at the Cards for several Minutes, actually, it took longer then i anticipated. Anyways, the Winner of this Contest would have to go to....da-clown-of-hell, Congrats are in order.

(Although some misakes were found, but i suppose your cards are better)


Second Place: This gave me some troublesome Thought, actually, no. it gave me a hard to choose, but I've decided the Second place goes to...........HMNISGwahahaha, Congratulations on the Second Place mate.


Third Place: spinner678 is in Third Place.


TO: NDS, you were not a Member in VCS. therefore your Cards and your Entry within this Contest are invalid.

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