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~MEGA MART~ now OPEN with 101 Items! Check out todays sales and deals too!


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For the whirlwind and wave effects, make a NEW example using a differant card. Then press save, and in the save box type "whirlwindexample.gif" the .gif is the most important part. Then it should pop up with a windo asking if you want to flatten the image or save it as an animation. Select "save as animation" and then save.

Then check your work on your copmputer before you upload it.

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Alright. Here is your order:

I made it 2 differant ways with the text.


Let me know if you want anything changed or fixed.


Please come again, and enjoy!









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There was a sale, so 2 points please!

Im glad you liked it :D

Please come again.



As for the other orders, the site had some errors and my internet was havng some issues so I could not gety them done.


Everything seems to be worked out now though, so I will have them done soon.


Sorry for the unexpected delay


Mazumo, there is a problem with your order (the render).

Part of the dragons tail is behind the building. If I take out the building, it will look like a portion of his tail is missing.


What do you want to do?

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