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Tag Force 4 Promo Cards

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[align=center][spoiler= Regret Reborn] RegretRebornTF04-JP-UR.jpg


}}Activate only when a monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard. Special Summon it in Defense Position. The monster Special Summoned by this effect is destroyed during your End Phase.




[spoiler= Warm Worm] WarmWormTF04-JP-UR.jpg


When this card is destroyed, send the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.




[spoiler= Worm Bait] WormBaitTF04-JP-UR.jpg


Activate only if you control a face-up Insect-Type monster. Special Summon 2 "Worm Tokens" (Insect-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) . During a turn you use this effect, you cannot Normal Summon or Special Summon Level 3 or Level 4 monsters.





This will NEVER encourages us to buy the game, download ftw.

Stupid Konami -_-

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Multiplication of Ants > Worm Bait




• Worm Bait can be an instant Plasma. Summon an Insect, Worm Bait, then you have 3 monsters to Special Summon Plasma.

• In order to get tokens for Multiplication of Ants, you have to Tribute an Insect monster

• Multiplication of Ants tokens cannot be used for a Tribute Summon

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