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Shadow Demon's~Martial Arts RP (basic/advanced)~No more accepting~

Esplin 9466 Primary

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OOC: Dude' date=' why don't you just control your own demon.



Zak, by turning his entire body, kicked the demon just above the knee. the demon's legs were knocked out from under him & fell to the ground. Zak lowered his arms. "After an attack like that you probably wont be able to move that leg for a week."

"You bastard. DIE!!" Suddenly thousands of the small demon's started to swarm in front of Zak.

"Damb." He started to try & swat them away, but they continued to bite him. "GET OFF OF ME!!"

As Zak let out the loud scream, the small demon's scattered. At first he thought they were afraid of him, but he was rong. Before he had time to move, he was kicked in the face by the larger demon & thrown to the ground. "Damb..." He suddenly noticed that the demon was standing perfectly normal. "Impossible, that kick should have dead legged you; you shouldn't be able to even feel that leg, let alone move it."

"You ignorant human, do you really think that our bodies are built the same as yours? I am unaffected by a an attack that harms the muscles." 2 of the tentacles on his back started right for Zak.



OoC: i can iz do that tell me when itsa dead


IC: The demon looked at his leg and sen cried out"Peek a Freakin boo." he took kai and smashed slammed it on top of the demons head

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Zak's demon took the blow to the rib kage, but was only slightly fazed. "get away from me human." He took the 1 tentacle that was not stuck in Zak & the whipped Sen across the face.




OOC: I don't even know if you realize the weakness of your own attacks.

if the weapon is heavy, its power if incredible, but its slow & easy to dodge

if the weapon is light, speed is incredible, but its power is weak

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Zak's demon took the blow to the rib kage' date=' but was only slightly fazed. "get away from me human." He took the 1 tentacle that was not stuck in Zak & the whipped Sen across the face.




OOC: I don't even know if you realize the weakness of your own attacks.

if the weapon is heavy, its power if incredible, but its slow & easy to dodge

if the weapon is light, speed is incredible, but its power is weak


OoC: if you are talking to me i know that why i have two staffs one that you can put weights in and one thats very light

IC: "oh you son of a b*tch!"Sen said he took out kai took the weights out and started a barrage of super fast attacks

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OOC: Maby i should just start puting this in big bold leters on the front page.

DN, your character starts off as if he had been traviling togeather with the rest of us the hole time. This makes it alot easier to introduce yourself to the RP.... in otherwords yes please join the fight, but i hope you know the abilities of the demon we are fighting.



The demon tried to avoid the attack's but was not fast enough. As weak as the attack's were, he started to feel the tole on his body from the barage.

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Sen said."dammit that stings so ima make you feel that!" Sen launches himself up onto the demons back taking a small blade about an inch long he cut off the tentacle and suddenly all the little demons started to swarm the big one trying to get to sen. Sen stood up and pulled out sai and kai and waited for the demon to get pissy.

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OOC: its not that he wont stop quiting, its just that untill know, he hasn't recived any attack's accept my elboy & Sen's speed attack's


IC: The demon was cut up from all of the attack's & the tentical holding zak's right shoulder had been cut off. "So, it looks like you are tough." He said steping back, blood all over his body.


OOC: You guys do remember that there are 3 of the big demon's right? and about 1.5 million of the small demon's.

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With his right arm free he grabed his dager & cut off the 2 tenticall's that had gone through his legs. "This one is mine." He said glaring at the now half dead demon. He strugled, but was finaly able to sand up & ge got in a batle ready stance, however he was bleeding from his shoulder & both of his legs. "You will die by my blade, demon."



OOC: BTW, i only call them tenticall's becaus i have no idea what ells to call them.

They are he things on the demon's back in the picture. but in the pic he only has 3.

[spoiler=pic of the big demon. (Oficial name=King jackat. King for short)]GF-PS-Spirit-of-Demon.jpg


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The demon wraped one of his tentecalls around Zak's nech. "Die already."

"Not likely." He cut the tentical with his dager.

"How can you still stand after that?"

"I have to kill you. Thats all there is to it."

"Don't make me laugh." The demon charged Zak & punched him in the face & knocked him to the ground. "You wont beat me."

Zak Started to stand up, but caughed up blood. "Damb, how did it come to this? 10 minuets ago i was winning." Sidenly the demon's tenticall's wraped around his neck from behind & started choking him. "I-i wont die here." His eyes close & his body goes limp.

"So, have you finaly given up?"

Sudenly Zak's eyes snaped oppen, they had a killing intent & he looked much more angry then he normaly did. He reached behind him & grabed the tentecal & threw the dmon in to a tree, there was blood around his neck from were the tenticall had been, but he it seamed as if he didn't even notice. He started walking tords the demon, he was no longer limping on his injured legs.

"How can you walk like that? How can youstill fight?!?!" The demn screamed just before Zak punched him. Zak's fist went straught through the demon's skull & killed it.

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Nero had been grabbed by a tentacle and was being slammed around the field." holy...crap...this...hurt!" he said as he hit the ground every few seconds, the demon had grabbed one of his swords and slashed him in the arm."ahh! that was not nice."


"stupid human...you actually believed you could win? you have no chance against us!"


Nero just laughed."okay, okay...you had your laughs, but if you noticed, my friend just killed yours.and..."


the demon looks back, a bit shocked at his partner's death."and what?" he's suddenly kicked in the face


"Never turn your back on your opponent! even if he's upside down! Pheonix Shredder Kick!" he yells as he kicks his opponent in the temples a various amount of times, as soon as the demons grip loosens he jumps up and dive kicks him in the chest, the life leaving the demon as he does so." now what!" he says as he falls back, his leg muscles messed up now.

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