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Shadow Demon's~Martial Arts RP (basic/advanced)~No more accepting~

Esplin 9466 Primary

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ooc:to the next round!


"Geez....I know I'm in a hospital bed, but why do I feel so tired?" he looked up and noticed even his Hospital gown was on the floor."what the hell did I do last night?" he looks to his side."oh...that's what I did..." he says looking at Kaoru, still wearing at least her headband."something tells me she was here for more than three hours....

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Zak grabed his clothes & got dressed. "The next fight starts soon. And with Nero in the hosoital its up to me & Sen." He ran outside & dashed to the arena. "Crap, the fight starts in 1 minuet." He started runin at max speed to get to the arena. "I made it, just in time." He sais panting.

"Actualy, your late." Sen said standing in the middle of the field with all of the oponents unconcious around him. "I asked the ref to start the fight, & i beat them by myself."


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OOC: Maby i should have been more spacific, she doesnt start runing untill she is out of sight from you. I dont plan to figure out these guys are demons untill way after the tornament is over.


IC: Zak arived at the stadium just in time to see the large man slam his fist's across the face of the oponent & knock them to the ground. "Twin hammer."

Zak stared in amazement as he saw the oponent get taken down by the twin hammer. "T-thats my move. Were did he learn it from?"

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Zak stood waching the fight. "It's imposible to know who was going to win, there strenght is just to even."

Ayumi walked in to the stadium. "It semes i wasn't the only one who couldn't tell." She grabed Zak's arm & leaned on him. "I will fight in the next round, because one of these teams will definately be the demons that we must defeat.

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The battle lasted for about 10 minuets, & ended with the Dragonites being visctorious. The large man that was there leader Practicaly colapsed from exostion.

Zak wached as the team lifted there large leader & caried him to the stands. "It looks like the dragonites are the demons." He looked down at Ayumi. "I guess ill have to break the news to Nero." He turned & started walking tords the hospital, but was stoped by Ayumi. "I have to tell him."

"I-i just remembered something." Ayumi said with a stutter. "When i said that the demons would be in this tornament, it was a lie. I honestly just wanted to win the prize money."

Zak turned around & started Ayumi in the eyes, his face told how angry he was. "You lied to us for money?!"

"Please dont be mad, the money isnt just for me, its gonna go to helping us on our journey."

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