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Shadow Demon's~Martial Arts RP (basic/advanced)~No more accepting~

Esplin 9466 Primary

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The ninja with the large shiruken on her back jumped in the air & threw it at Sen. "Crap." He noined Kai & Sai, & blocked the shiruken, only to have 2 girls attack him, one from each side. "Don't think so." He spun the staf & the blades on the end cut the clothes on the 2 girls causing them to back up & cover themselves "They may be ninja's but there still girls."

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Zak blockd an attack from the eader & then kicked him in the gut. "Sorry, i need a kunai." He said grabing a kunai out of the ninja pouch & threw it at the man attacking Nero. "Keep your eyes on the target Nero." He sudenly got hit in the back of the net & fell to the ground.

"You shold follow your own advice."

"funk you." He turned on his back & kicked the ninja in the leg, just over the knee. The ninja fell to the ground unable to move his leg.

"What the hell did you do?"

"Dead leg. You wont be able to move that leg for at least an hour."

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Zak turned around & wached the other fights.

"Never turn your back on an oponent." Zak heard from behind him. He turned around just in time to dodge a kunai fron the ninja leader.

"I guess i expected you to be out of comission after that kick." He said readying his dager again.

"I may not be able t use my leg, but i can still fight." He pulled out 10 shiruken & threw them at Zak. Zak jumped over the shirukens, only to notice that they were now heading tords Sen "Wach out!!"

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"Nero!!" Zak yelled when he saw Nero get hit by the shiruken. Sen used the blade on this staf to cut the 10th shiruken in half.

The ninja leader took otu a katana & slashed at Zak. Zak raised his dager & easily blocked the attack. "Sen, no more holding back." He kicked the ninja leader in the chest & knocked him 40 yards across the ground.

Sen was being sarounded by the 3 girls. "Consider it done." He twisted his staf in circles around his body & after about 2 seconds he stoped, retracted the blades, & took the 2 stafs back apart. "You lose." The clothes on all of the girls fell to the ground & there bodies were bleeding badly.

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