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Final Fantasy club if you are a fan join now


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wecome to the world of Final Fantasy

[spoiler=so you know the rules read me]

no spaming

no flameing

have fun



[spoiler=form to join]


class(what class you are)

fav FF game




thare are ranks you can aceve

1.(starting rank)brgener



4.worty aperentis

5.master apentis


7.hores rider


9(if 8 pepole aready are this rank you cant aceve)lord of content

9.(number two)clan master

10 master of world(me:))

[spoiler=how to rank up]

to rank up you must be cind

have prmishen from me





[spoiler=clan rules]

you can start a clan whith my permishen but i can take away this fecher if you brack any of theys rules

one.to talk to clan type c say please so we know you are talking to your clan

two.ceap it apropryit no langwige over e but you can say bad words

and thats it



[spoiler=clan app]

you must be rank 5 or up to own a clan

clan name

thats it




the than rank lord of world



[spoiler=battle systim]

you will randomly find enamys (i will tell you when)

if you have no wepons it will do damige minus the enamys def i will tell you the enamys stats whith incounter at the end you will get coins save up your coins and buy new armore and weponruy exp is exsperince once you get enof you will lvl up YAYZ



well i hope you enjoyed your visit

and sorry im super bad at spelling



just add the ] at the end

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