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Battle Machines Archtype


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Battle Machine Caterpulter


900 ATK/1800 DEF


At the beginning of your opponent's Battle Phase, you can retun 1 "Battle Machine" monster, except "Battle Machine Catapualter", to it's owner's hand to switch 1 monster your opponent controls to Defense Position.


Battle Machine Lzer Shot




This card is not destroyed as a reult of battle. At the beginning of your opponent's Battle Phase, you can equip this card to 1 "Battle Machine" monster on the field as an Equip Card. The equipped monster cannot be selected as an attack target, and can attack your opponent directly.


Battle Machine Wod Chapa


1800 ATK/600 DEF


At the beginning of your opponent's Battle Phase, you can Special Summon 1 "Battle Machine Wood Chopper" from your Deck. When this card is Special Summoned, destroy 1 monster on the field.


Battle Machine Crozzbrow


900 ATK/300 DEF


At the beginning of your opponent's Battle Phase, you can return this face-up card to your hand. If you do, you can destroy 1 card on the field.


Battle Machine Xploziv


300 ATK/100 DEF


When a "Battle Machine" monster is returned to the hand, Special Summon it during the End Pahse of this turn. It gains 400 ATK.


Battle Machine Jytblest


1500 ATK/0 DEF


At the beginning of your opponent's Battle Phase, you can retun 2 "Battle Machine" monsters to there owner's hand(s) to skip your opponent's Battle Phase.


Battle Machine Ryefill


3000 ATK/1700 DEF


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned with the effect of "Battle Machine Snyp". At the beginning of your opponent's Battle Phase, you can reveal this card in your hand to your opponent to return 1 "Battle Machine" monster on the field to it's owner's hand.


Battle Machine Snyp


1200 ATK/1000 DEF


When the effect of "Battle Machine Ryefill" is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card (max.3). This card gains 500 ATK for every Spell Counter on this card. At the beggining of your opponent's Battle Phase, you can remove 3 Spell Counters from this card to return 1 "Battle Machine" monster you control other than "Battle Machine Snyp" to Special Summon 1 "Battle Machine" monster form your hand or Deck, other than "Battle Machine Synp".



Battle Machine Squardron

Continous Trap


When a "Battle Machine" monster is returned to the hand, you can pay Life Points equal to the returned monster's attack points to Negate the attack of 1 monster your opponent's controls during this turn.

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