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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Name of the Club/Organization: R.P.820: A Club for RPers


Leader/Is it a Club or Organization?: ThePhantomDuelist/ Club


Link: (Post link here plz ^-^)


Follows all current rules: Yes


Date of creation of the Club/Organization: 9/13/2009




I spaced it out. Hard to read when it's bunched. We'll be able to post 2mor. Hold up...

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I have no problem showing everyone our "conversation" . . . take a look and help me decide weither he should be kicked out or not. For the past two days he has tried to convince me to allow a new character in called "Samus" and she has a power suit. Sound familiar? Read on . . .


gogetoavenger 1:48 pm

samus's powers are greatly derived from her powersuit, just like kallen and her radiant wave surger. there is a lot of room for her to improve though. for example, currently when she loses her power suit, she is left with only her zero suit and rather useless auto charging pistol. so, i can improve greatly on those. i do admit that there would have to a point where she loses her powersuit for that to work though.

Kavu1438v 1:50 pm

Now the thing is, it is STILL Samus off of Metroid. You would like to have Kratos off of God Of War appear and just act like himself? Don't answer this . . .


The point is having a character off of anything else isn't fun to rpg with. I want ORIGINAL characters

gogetoavenger 1:52 pm

i am not going to have the character act like the samus from the metroid series. just have a bunch of the same powers. besides, though the character may lack originality right now, the point is to have the caharacter evole in the rp and become something completely new.




gogetoavenger 8:46 pm

oih, and i also thought of a way that i can use samus without really doing so. :-D

Kavu1438v 8:47 pm

Alright, I am interested to hear this

gogetoavenger 8:47 pm

:-D I:-D AM:-D THE:-D RAY:-D MAN:MOON:-D !:-D !:-D !


Kavu1438v 8:47 pm

The wha?

gogetoavenger 8:47 pm


Kavu1438v 8:48 pm

speak english man

gogetoavenger 8:48 pm

you never would be able to understand it if you never got to the boss of the blue mountains in rayman for the PS1 or the rayman advance for the GBA.

Kavu1438v 8:48 pm

then explain

you can use the name samus. or you can use the powers samus has- but NOT BOTH

gogetoavenger 8:49 pm

actually, yes i can. i found a loophole.



it wont let me do the rasperry face?

Kavu1438v 8:49 pm

I block those

gogetoavenger 8:49 pm

why you.

Kavu1438v 8:49 pm

But tell me about this "loopwhole" you found

gogetoavenger 8:49 pm

you know about shaman king?

Kavu1438v 8:50 pm


gogetoavenger 8:50 pm

that's how! XP

Kavu1438v 8:50 pm

Did not watch alot of Shaman King. Explain further

gogetoavenger 8:50 pm

did you read the manga?

Kavu1438v 8:50 pm

no. only watched a few episodes of the anime. now please explain

gogetoavenger 8:51 pm

okay then. do you know about furyoku and oversoul?

Kavu1438v 8:51 pm


gogetoavenger 8:51 pm


gogetoavenger 8:56 pm

furyoku is basically a form of spirit energy. what it does is allows you to physically manifest a spirit in this world. if done correctly, your 'oversoul' (spirit in physical form which usually uses an object{s} as a medium{s}) can form around your body. in this case, samus has the same name as her ancestor, and her spirit, as well as that of her 'other self' from the universes dark half. that is how she is able to use all of samus's abilities. because as samus's descendent, she inherited the 'Zero Suit', as well as the auto charing pistol. so when she manifests her oversoul, she gains all of the abillities of the Samus that came before.

does that help to explain things for you a little?

Kavu1438v 8:57 pm

Yes it does. And no you cannot use Shaman King to exploit your wants

gogetoavenger 8:58 pm


why not?

Kavu1438v 8:58 pm

Sometimes you have to learn to deal with not being able to do what youplease

gogetoavenger 8:58 pm

uh-huh. so basically, you are saying that when i found a way that everyone could be happy, you have to decide to be stubborn.

just what do you have against me doing that anyway?

anyway, i have a way to solve the problem, but it mean making a compromise.

do you think that you can do that?

Kavu1438v 8:59 pm

Its the pure and simple fact that you are trying to get someone who has the same name and powers as Samus. Figuring out another way to do it makes no difference. Choose: Either the name or the powers.

gogetoavenger 8:59 pm


both, but only temporarily. you remember how Zero and Teknus are the 'code names' of my characters?

gogetoavenger 9:01 pm

it would be the same with Samus. the ancestor of Samus takes that name upon herself to strike fear into her enemies. you understand the implications of that right? it's almost like the hunter being reborn.

that being said, there would be a point where all 3 character remember who they are. from that point on, they would use their actual names, and not the code names.

Kavu1438v 9:02 pm

You really REALLY want to make put the carbon copy Samus into the game, don't you?

gogetoavenger 9:05 pm

not really. as a character, once Samus remembers her actual name, the powers would change and evolve while still retaining some of the originality of the character from when it joins in the power struggle. anyway, i feel that it is very important that Samus go in as is due to the whole storming the fortress of the General thing. it sounds like there is going to be something going on before then so there is still time for me to improve. hopefully i can reach the point where you feel i have advanced enough as an rpger to bring in another character before the actual storming of the generals fortress, because i was thinking that something interesting could be done with the storyline to where the General has all of this info on everyone.

in addition to that, it would be the part of the story where those who don't know who the really are redisvocer their pasts and are able to move on into the future.

Kavu1438v 9:06 pm

we shall see.

gogetoavenger 9:07 pm

i am going to respond to the threads now, i'll message you as soon as i can.

gogetoavenger 9:24 pm

sorry about the wait. i'm back now.

Kavu1438v 9:25 pm


gogetoavenger 9:25 pm

-waits to see what sall follow the previous response.


Kavu1438v 9:25 pm

But I still standby what I said earlier. Either the name or the powers. Not both. You try and get both yoiu can kiss ever getting a third character good-bye for good.

gogetoavenger 9:27 pm

really. so your not even going to let me use it as a code name then? because the whole point of it was to have an ancestor carry on the legend of Samus some thousands of years after the events on aether.

not to mention that she is supposed to be traveling with Zero and Teknus.

i guess your preparing a rahter vehement response, huh?


Kavu1438v 9:29 pm

You bet


That is the thing. Aether. You are trying to meld Metroid prime into a game that has nothing to do with it. As you did when you had the "chaos diety" appear. Struggle of Powers is an independant rpg and doesn't deal with any known game, anime, etc.

gogetoavenger 9:35 pm

yeah, well like i said, it's supposed to take place afterwards.


for example, the 3 of them (Zero, Teknus, and Samus) go into the portal on aether using it to get to where they currently are. one of them (Samus) decides to do a bit of exploring on the planet first, which is the explanation for why she wouldn't be there with them at the start of things.


anyway, Zero, Teknus, and Samus all have their real names. the point of the whole Samus arriving before the castle was stormed, so to speak, was that she would remember who she really was, as would Zero and Teknus, thus leading to the point where they no longer use their code names but us their real names from tht point on.


oh, and this isn't me trying to convince you otherwise, just me telling you exaclty why i wanted to start out with taht particular name in a little more detail. and in case your wondering why i haven't told you the actual names for my character yet, its because i am still trying to figure out the names for Zero and Teknus, but i already know what i want to call Samus when it gets to the point of everyone remembering who they are.

Kavu1438v 9:36 pm

You are adding in things that do NOT belong in THIS rpg.

gogetoavenger 9:38 pm

like the names, right? i'll try to think oof something that can work where your satisfied with it, but i am going to have to put quite a bit of thought into it. to be honest, i'm not sure if i can come up with something else that fits, but i will try.

i am going to use the powers aspect though.

Kavu1438v 9:38 pm

You . . . are . . . taking . . . characters to another . . . PLANET!

gogetoavenger 9:39 pm

i . . . know . . . that. i. am. trying. to. think. of. something. that. you. can. be. happy. with.

Kavu1438v 9:39 pm

If you want a third character the think . . . simple

what kind of character are you trying to make?

Male of Female?

gogetoavenger 9:40 pm

well, i am keeping the power aspect, and it it going to be female. i just need to think of a different background for her, that's all.

Kavu1438v 9:40 pm

So female super. Name?

Better yet. What is her power goingt o be?

gogetoavenger 9:41 pm

i have to think of a new code name as well as a new background.

and i already have the powers listed in the app i had previously sent.

there's to much detail to explain it all.

Kavu1438v 9:41 pm

that is the problem. too MUCH detail. go simple.

gogetoavenger 9:43 pm

the weapons in and of themselves are simple enough. its the combo stuff and other what-have-you that makes it complicated.

don't tell me to change it please.

especially since you said that i could keep the powers aspect.

Kavu1438v 9:43 pm

then eliminate the combos

Make combos on the spot- during the battle.

gogetoavenger 9:43 pm

no. you said that i could keep the powers aspect if i got rid of the name aspect.

Kavu1438v 9:44 pm

you don't need to make combos. that is useless things you will probably never use in the actual game. when I make a character I just think baout their power. Lora can use energy. Ok . . . now in a fight what can I do with her powers as a combo. You know when I thnk about that? during a fight

gogetoavenger 9:45 pm

can you do me a favor?

Kavu1438v 9:45 pm

what favor?

gogetoavenger 9:48 pm

Kavu1438v (8:57:46 PM): Its the pure and simple fact that you are trying to get someone who has the same name and powers as Samus. Figuring out another way to do it makes no difference. Choose: Either the name or the powers.


Kavu1438v (9:23:57 PM): But I still standby what I said earlier. Either the name or the powers.

could you please stop turning yourself into a lier?

damned color thing.

Kavu1438v 9:50 pm

And how is that lieing? I stated you can either have the name Samus. Or the powers of Samus. But you could not have both. Watch how you answer this becuase you are now officially on thin ice

gogetoavenger 9:51 pm

exactly! and now you are telling me that i can't have the powers of samus! >(

Kavu1438v 9:51 pm

You misunderstand. You can have Samus' powers. But if you do- then you cna't have the characters NAME be Samus

gogetoavenger 9:52 pm

exactly! and now you are telling me that i can't have the powers either! your telling me that i can't have aspects of the powers, that's the same as saying that i can't have them!">:o"

gogetoavenger 9:56 pm

your not giving me the silent treatment are you? and how do i ge the type to go back to black? it went to red when i typed this before the stuff that i had allready pasted. something wierd happen with the name thing or something.

Kavu1438v 9:57 pm

click on the A beside your text. you'll see a box the same color as your words. change it to black

gogetoavenger 9:58 pm

the A beside the text?

i see it now.


Kavu1438v 9:58 pm

you're welcome

gogetoavenger 9:58 pm

it was really annoying me that it was red, since that would seem to me to be an angry color.

Kavu1438v 9:59 pm

I get it. And I am still considering what to do with you





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That was between you and Shadow right? The names threw me off for a bit. While that may not be reason enough to ban him i think he should know that he shouldn't be pulling this stuff when he was already on thin ice. If he annoys you, kick him out. If he complains, there is plenty of support for your case.

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Seriously. He agreed to just use the powers and think up a different codename, but when I told him he couldn't have them exactly like Samus'.


gogetoavenger 10:06 pm

just be satisfied that i'm going this far okay?! seriously, are you not going to be satisfied until you have completely destroyed my character to the point where it doen's fit in with the other 2 like its supposed to anymopre?????!!?!?!?!!!!?!!!!

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In the wise words of a CAnadian Comedy Troupe.... BOOT TO THE HEAD! Boot him out. Be rid of him. He is not wanted. Maybe he should get banned so he will go out into the world. He's 21 For Chrissake! Also, He already has Zero AKA MEGAMAN!!! He should NOT press his luck.



Oooh. True 820.

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gogetoavenger 10:06 pm

just be satisfied that i'm going this far okay?! seriously' date=' are you not going to be satisfied until you have completely destroyed my character to the point where it doen's fit in with the other 2 like its supposed to anymopre?????!!?!?!?!!!!?!!!!



[spoiler=The only pic that can accurately phrase my response.]



I think it fits. And yes, KICK HIM OUT!

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