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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Um... Rem, hate to get technical but that's not a dracolich. That's a undead dragon.


More than a powerful form of undead, a dracolich is a dragon who has voluntarily tied its soul to a phylactery, freeing itself from death. A type of lich, the creature's spirit can possess any dead serpentine body, usually their original form, and retain all the powers and abilities of the former body. That means a dracolich has the supernatural fear aura, spells, and breath weapon it had in life, plus the terrible might of the undead.


I know, I play D&D, before anyone says anything, D&D invented dracoliches.


Also check this out.

[spoiler=The safety law thing at HD~]


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Techniqly Kyle brock his own rules.

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Guys' date=' Never go to the HD Forums ever again. FOR ANY REASON. *Points at the Spam section*


I posted a goodbye thread. Here we go.


[spoiler=My goodbye']

I'm sorry, Primal especially, and all who voted for me as mod, but after seeing how Kyle acts, I cannot be a mod under him. Heck, I don't feel right even being a MEMBER. He insults his Moderators, calling thme little s****, insults people who decide to leave, and defends people like Funky who start flaming when they don't win a mod election. Boo, fricking, hoo. If I lost, I'd be a little peeved, but I would not start a thread for b*******, I'd suck it up! I cannot stand you people like Kyle and


Here's an example:



Oh, BTW, I'm no advocate of gay people, at all, BUT Kyle clearly insulted Gay people, repeatedly, and attack Jaydi like a spoiled Brat. I don't use the word 'Gay' like that. I cannot, in good conscience, stay. That was a douchebag move. Granted, Jaydi retaliated, but Kyle started and Funky attacked him.


Oh, By the way, Funky! I'm one of the leading RPers on YCM! I've moderated forums before and been a super! I manage the third biggest club on YCM, with 20,000+ posts, and 40 some members! I also run the biggest RP on YCM with 40 ish members, and multiple people posting. 30 pages in only 5 days. I have experience, Funky. I was also the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (Vice-Leader) of a Boy Scout Troop, IRL, of 50 members. Yeah.


Take away my modship, I will not associate with filth who act like they are no older than my 4th grade sister.




Wow. Well I'm done there. Not that I was ever really active in the first place.

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Roz is dead Oleon is banned, if you want really badly I can let you have him.


But your a mercanery, not a teammate. Why would I do that.


Yes, I'm trying to hire you with the promise of killing a club leader and rank B.

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Oh! I thought it was supposed to be from an rp past. In that case:


[spoiler=My rp sample]

Matthew was aflame. He was there. He wasn't. He was. He was siloetted by the countless ashes that floated from the great funeral prye. He kept on walking. The others where dead now. He was the last artist left. One boy, a child, against the world. Was that fair? Was it fair that Kronos had killed them, killed them all, one by one in front of him? Fair that he had saved Melody for last? The fair girl he had pledged his love to was gone? Gone as soon as it began. Matthew had then broke free of his bindings in rage and had strangled Kronos to death with his only art he had left. Matthew's body heaved with silent sobbing, thinking of his future that would never come. He turned and stared at the fire, contemplating his miserable existance. A massive fireball broiled up into the sky, sending a haze of heat out around it...and then was gone. The embers shivered and began to piece themselves together. "Can't...get rid of us...that easy..." A face began to piece together. cheeks, nose, glowing red eyes. Five faces came into being and grew. The artists where back. Finally, the faces lost their black coloring, their glowing red viens, and became human. Matthew stepped foreward into the loving embrace of Melody...And his tears where gone, dried by the heat that still radiated from the ashes cloaking the world like a blanket.


How's that?

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