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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Phantom' date=' is it possible to come off of the warning list. Or does that make it worse by asking. Cause I'm just simply wondering is all.



I'll have to recheck with Black-san... I completely forgot about that, aha ha ha!


Phantom' date=' is it possible to come off of the warning list. Or does that make it worse by asking. Cause I'm just simply wondering is all.



Black gave the warning so if he feels it's unneeded then it will be removed. In fact I bet we haven't considered you warned for awhile but the warning couldn't be removed as Phantom wasn't on. (Nice to see you by the way Phantom.)

Others have been warned and they no longer have it on the first page *cough*fenrir*cough*. There's no reason it can't happen to you.


(I do believe I'm falling back into my normal nice ways. I need to go about stopping that.)


A pleasure to see you again too, old friend.

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I have started Heart Gold, and I just planned out my team ^-^


The nicknames are in M/F mode for all but the first.


Typhlo, the Typhlosion (Gold named his Cyndaquil Typhlo in the manga)

Slave, the Furret. (HM slave)

Draflit/Mayflit, the Yanmega (It's a Dragonfly or Mayfly)

Naga/Nagi, the Dragonite (Naga and Nagi are a male and Female holy dragon, respectively, in Japanese folklore. Many shows and games use them)

Vermillion/Rouge, the Red Gyarados (Vermillion is a Shade of Red, Rouge is red in French.)

Dodosuke, the Dodrio (Yellow named her Doduo Dodosuke in the Manga)

Arsensiel, the Ho-oh (Arc en ciel is French for Rainbow. Arson is burning property that is not yours.

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Uxie/Bronzong (Athene/Bell)

Zapdos (Circuit)

Togekiss (Rainbeau: it's a boy)

Milotic (Rachel XD)

Metagross (Metalic)



Well, this is my team on pearl... until my DS broke. l can't name the weavile, it's not mine


EDIT- I almost forgot, l renamed Metagross "lron Tager" because he reminds me of... well, Tager

I don't have Heart Gold. Can someone fill me in on what it is?


You srsly don't know? lt's the new pokemon game ^-^

I'm jealous, l don't have it yet

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