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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Still reading the plot' date=' sounds interesting so far.

Can I still use Rachel? ^^ She fits the spot perfectly. With her demeaning attitude and gothic apparel.



Of course. I'll change it tomorrow or something. It really doesn't change anything. So now I have my villain. You better be ready for it when I start this thing. Just know that you won't constantly be in the picture. You'll be guiding the villains from soul Society. You gotta like how I made Soul Society evil though, huh?

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Just so you guys know:

I'll join any RP, particularly bleach, yugioh, and any ones concerning fighting& magic ^^

ATM, there are way too many yugioh rp's, so for now i'll only be rping in our club one. yugioh rp's need to be a bit controlled.


BTW, done with the VERY long plot. You really thought this out, huh?

Plz, as a rule, no ooc only, no excuses.

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BTW' date=' done with the VERY long plot. You really thought this out, huh?

Plz, as a rule, no ooc only, no excuses.



Well I got the idea of Evil Soul Society and the Visored rising up against it because they were pissed that Soul Society was lazy. I'd also wanted to do a Bleach rp so when I had this idea I had to think it out. And most of that was just on the moment typing when I started typing it up. And of course the ooc only posts will be strictly prohibited. I thought about that and I think that I have a fitting rule: If you do ooc only posts, I won't kick you out, but you will be negged (revenged repping results in reporting to a mod). Two ooc posts results in temporary expulsion from the RP and a third offense gets you a one way ticket out the door.

Right now I've only done the plot and app, I still need the rules and whatever else needs to be said.

EDIT: So how'd you like the plot now that you've finished it?

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lol, not really. I have the begining intro down so here it is if you wanna know what it's about:


In the year 3013 a group of archeologists stumbled upon the opening to an underground network of long forgotten ruins. Upon further investigation the researchers discovered indecipherable runes scrawled over the entire of the ruins.

Now in the present day of 3018 a new game called “Tamers©”, based on the mysterious runes, has started to increase in popularity. The game allows mass diversity to match each individual. Players and their Partners, whither they be monster or alien, to combat each other in a race to become the ‘Top Ranked Player’ in the world.

However, unknown to all, the runes are a mystic link to another parallel world. By an unknown and unforeseen event the runes reopen a portal to this world- throwing an untold number of players into a very dangerous situation. Now on their own, each player must strive to survive in a world where anything and everything can happen. Some decide to use their partners to wreak havoc, others to take care of the sick, and hundreds of others merely wish to return home.

If your life WAS part of the game, how would you play?

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here is one of the countries. So it'll give you a good example of what I'm doing:




1. Geography and Climate

2. History

3. Government

4. Foreign relations and military

5. Science and technology

6. Transportation

7. Energy

8. Religion

9. Education

10. Health

11. Food

12. Sports

13. Monsters


Geography and Climate

The Empire of Bellicose is one of the most diverse geographical countries in Orai. With a massive expansion of mountains in both the east and west; west known as Mount Killa and the eastern mountain range Hillius. From the mountain range Hillius runs three of Bellicose’s major rivers (from left to right: Elizabeth, Grudo and Epherion). Bellicose’s beaches nearly over three fourths of its entire border. Other than that it’s mainly a forest covered country.


Bellicose is the second country to be formed in Regio Unus by the Legendary Warrior Grado. Instead of naming the country after himself the warrior decided on using his nickname as the countries title, thus Bellicose was born. Though strong in battle Grado was not able to properly form a political system for his country and soon it became an Empire ruled by only the strongest person.

After his death the Empire of Bellicose changed hands frequently, with assassination attempts being the chief reason. Soon a powerful family became the new ruling class and adjusted the system so that only those of noble birth were allowed to become emperor; this lead to the current political system of Bellicose.

Bellicose was the origin of the thousand year war when an assassination attempt on one of Renais’ nobility was discovered. In revenge Renais declared war on Bellicose and soon the flames of war spread to the farthest regions of Orai. Bellicose and its allies lost with the end of the war and Bellicose, being the country to start the war, was ordered to disband its army and navy.

In the twelve year the Renais/Riev war ensued and Bellicose stood by and waited for the conflict to end.


Bellicose, unlike most countries, is ruled by a sole Emperor, like the Soviet Union in the natural world’s history texts. The newest Emperor is Nathaniel Grado, who has gained his power with the recent Emperor’s untimely death. Known as a hard nosed man, Bellicose has become a military might that rivals even the major powers of Rausten and Riev.

• Emperor Nathaniel G Grado- Hard nosed and a military expert, now in his late fifties, who rules the Empire of Bellicose. He took over as Emperor when the prior died mysteriously in his sleep; leading many citizens to think it was a coupe created by Nathaniel himself.

• Empress Nataline R Grado- Nathaniel’s bride for twenty years, and as cold a women in Bellicose as you will ever find. Her reputation as being heartless is known even in the Four Islands. Marrying her husband out of an arrangement by her parents and Nathaniel himself, she was to become part of the ruling class instead of remaining a peasant.

• Prince Newman A Grado- The first born son of the Emperor and Empress of Bellicose. He is a skilled fighter and strong willed man like his father. His ambitions match his skill with a blade and he one day desires to become Emperor- although he wishes to gain the throne before his twentieth birthing (he is currently eighteen).

• Prince Nicolas D Grado- The second born son of the Emperor and Empress. Born with a rare condition, making him frail and sickly, he was sent away to Riev for medical care. He was kidnapped at the age of six by a gang of rouge soldiers and is presumed dead.

• Princess O Grado- The last born and only daughter of the Emperor and Empress. Although still a child she has been promised to marry to young son of Valni in an agreement by both their fathers to further the union of Bellicose and Valni.

Foreign Relations and Military

With the passing of its current Emperor and the induction of its newest Emperor Bellicose has begun to secretly amass weapons and soldiers. In addition to this secret storing Bellicose has closed its boarders and cut off all alliances to other countries.

Science and Technology

Bellicose is one of the less technologically advanced countries in the world and lack the sensual tools to make steel weapons.


Bellicose’s main form of transportation is by horseback. Since the early years in Bellocise’s history they were praised as the best horse breeders in the entire world. Bello Horses are known to be able to run for hours without rest or water.


Bellicose uses the three major rivers flowing through it for their energy usage. Dams in three places along each one create hydroelectricity that is able to power the factories and nobility dwellings.


Due to its mountain ranges Bellicose can host many people within its borders, and as such its population density is extremely high around the base of its two mountains.


Gold Bullion is used as a national currency in Bellicose, making buying things within the major cities extremely difficult for the common peasant. Much of the currency in Bellicose has been drained from other sources and is now being spent on the ever growing military.


Bellicose believes that the warrior who formed this country was a god in human form. So Grado has become the all mighty god that all Bellicosians’ pray to. Blood sacrifices are offered to appease him before and after any and all battles.


Bellicosians’ are not highly educated in the way of books. However at the age of six each male is taken away from his family and started on training until his eighteenth birthday.


Due to the ignorance of the nobility the underclass of Bellicose’s population is slowly rotting to the core while the nobility shelter them away from the illness that plagues everyone outside their walls.


The nobility eat feasts of goat and cow with red wine. However the amassing underclass may only survive on a single piece of bread, cheese, and sour milk for three days before they are able to make more. Crops and animals are too precious to casually harvest and so there are slowly becoming more animals and plants than living underclasses.


Simple games of hide-and-seek, tag and any other imaginative games are the only sports that the underclass are able to play. However the nobility, as always, are able to “participate” in grander forms of leisure activity. Due to Bellicosian nobility blood lust the Coliseum is the one sport that all observe with a grisly fascination.


Due to its vast array of climates, elevations and geographical classifications Bellicose has the most wide spread monsters in all of Orai. With dragons and wyvern soaring through the mountains and kraken and sea serpents lying below the surface of the ocean not many travel alone in Bellicose- and none travel at night.

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Yeah, i'm not fond of that either, sorry...



hi. If you'd like to advertise your RP here, talk to us about it. Once I get approval from the two co-owners, I think this would get us all into more RP's/ give your RP more popularity.

HOWEVER, if your intro isn't good, it may be denied. So make sure you proofread it please.

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