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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Walking into the room Black and Cephus can feel the immense pressure of aura barring down in them. Guards bodies lay dead on the floor as the door, laying on the couch, is a reminder that Phantom was here. Moments before Cephus spoke Jake vanished and appeared, almost levitating, above Broxret.


"A Prince, hu? Need to learn your place a bit!" with a swing he sent one of his hook swords down at his opponent's head.

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*wrong buzzer sounds* WRONG!!!! I didnt want to reveal this secret but Chaos is by no means Shadow Zero...remember he's dead (Raiden killed him in Pt3) Chaos is an evil god who wants to bring all the RP worlds together to create total pandemonium...and to do that he needs All 8 King's Crowns he already has 2 The Crown of Chaos and Hayate's Crown

IC:Broxret blocked the attack and whirled around in mid air sending a corkscrew kick right at Jake's head

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*wrong buzzer sounds* WRONG!!!! I didnt want to reveal this secret but Chaos is by no means Shadow Zero...remember he's dead (Raiden killed him in Pt3) Chaos is an evil god who wants to bring all the RP worlds together to create total pandemonium...and to do that he needs All 8 King's Crowns he already has 2 The Crown of Chaos and Hayate's Crown

IC:Broxret blocked the attack and whirled around in mid air sending a corkscrew kick right at Jake's head


... Bah! Fine! Black does serve the giant bat demon anyways....


He turned to Jake with a chuckle. "Cut it out baby." He had warped and caught the blade. He grinned from ear to ear. "And nothing can hurt me. Shoot me for all I care."

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Having his blade caught by Black, Jake used his other to deflect Brotrex's spin kick and launch himself to safety by using his enemy's force. Landing softly on the ground his cloak drifted beside him as he stood back up, placing his swords on his hips, "What? We're just practicing. No harm done . . . yet."


Hearing Black's past Jake chuckled then laughed, "An SS-Ranked criminal, you?"

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"I do feel left out at the moment; to be caught up in a squabble without any formal introductions is quite rude where I come from. But..." Cephus grabs a bag of salty, buttery, popcorn, and a nice fold-up chair from his backpack. He unfolds the chair with ease, and neatly places it on the hard floor, right next to the humorous of one dead man, and the skull of another. He sits on the chair, made completely of cotton, linen, and a bunch of meshes put together, along with plastic for the legs. Cephus's regal-like clothing completely contradiced the old, damaged chair. His clothing gleamed gold, while the chair was covered in dust. He sat down after wiping the chair with an extra cloth from his pocket. All in the span of 15 seconds.


"Go on. I enjoy entertainment, just as long as the blood doesn't get on my clothing."

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As Jarred reappeared behind him, swinging his sword for the neck, Jake opened his eyes and let out a bellow. Accompanying the primordial yell was Jake's dark red aura that knocked the blade back and eventually its weilder. Letting out a long sigh Jake turned back around as his aura danced along his skin as if it were a living fire.


"A sneak attack . . . on me? Who are you trying to kid?"

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DL still sat on Black's shoulder. Her face became a bit confused and puzzled

"fraccion...?" she asked "What's that, senpai?"



Jarred still gripped his blade tightly. When he was thrown back, he landed with ease. He held up his blade in defensive mode again.

"I didn't think it would work...I really just wanted to get your attention, is all..." he said, with a small smirk.

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"Th-that CANT BE!!!" Broxret was breaking down "Im supposed to be the main character...n-noooo"

Raiden:Actually Brox NONE of my guys are main characters Exept Chaos


Raiden:The REAL main characters are Marik,Bakura,Ketodama,Tempest,Rose,Chaos and Necromancer Jade....at least for now

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