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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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What do I see in Aqua Girl? Could it be . . .


A.) The chance to have a female rper with us

B.) A rare chance to get at Chaos Zero for almost ruining the rp

C.) An even rarer oppertinuty to be perverted

D.) Just because I like her character

E.) Just because she is cool

F.) I Had No Reason!


*looks at list*


Hmmm . . . actually . . . it was a couple of those.

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What do I see in Aqua Girl? Could it be . . .


A.) The chance to have a female rper with us Done and done

B.) A rare chance to get at Chaos Zero for almost ruining the rp How?

C.) An even rarer oppertinuty to be perverted We can always be perverted.

D.) Just because I like her character Umm' date=' no?[/b']

E.) Just because she is cool Is she?

F.) I Had No Reason! You're a sage, even if your title on your member card I made was "Oblivious Nightmare"


*looks at list*


Hmmm . . . actually . . . it was a couple of those.

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Just reply to my post, and you will she what I did.


Or . . .





What goes in between []

i= italicized

b= bold

u= underline


hr= horizontal line






What goes at end







Well its just Aqua Girl.


See seems to be completely off track and not even paying attention to anything.

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*catches door and throws it back at Phantom*


Do you KNOW how many . . . *sigh* why the hell we don't just get a revolving door is beyond me . . .


*Gets hit by door sending him flying backwards*


I think getting revolving doors would be awesome! But it wouldn't be that dramatic to enter in...


As Manager of this club I will set it up right away!

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