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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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@Tempest:Sure you can join in and you don't have to help. I'll get going with the applications and my application as well.

@Zeroke: Keep me posted on the Plot.





Nation(Fire, Water, Earth, Air):

Secret Element(Fire: Lava/Magma, Water: Steam, Earth: Sand/Stone):

Weapon(The weapon will be a increase of your element and nation):

History(Be descriptive. Min 5 sen. long)

Bio(Be creative. Min 6 sen. long)


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Here is the story I've composed:


The Union of the Four Avatars

500 years after the Legend of Aang, the world is in peace. The nations enjoyed their time in the tranquility of it all, until something unexpected occurs. A meteor descends upon the planet. It breaks into pieces and falls onto the separate nations.

The Earth Nation has literally broken apart, into large islands. Ba Sing Se has fallen, and the ruling Monarch replaced by a devious man named Roker.

The Water Nation melts from the ever increasing temp. in the weather caused by the meteor. The Monarch of the devastated nation is known as Qweyn.

The Fire Nation has been nearly engulfed by the waters of the ocean. The small land torn to shreds by the miniature rocks from the Beyond. Streets are flooded and are now crowded by boats sailing through. The Monarch’s name, Leon.

The Air Nation is covered in a dark, black smog. The people dying of the particles from the endless fog of death. Their cities were set ablaze when the meteor fell from the atmosphere. The 4 enormous cities of the Air Nation remain as only a burnt reminder of what they once were. The Monarch: Sousuke.

The monarch’s each hold a piece of an artifact that opens the door to Heaven, where the Monarch King Odin resides.

The clouds are thick and barely allow any light from the sun. Hardly giving life to the planet. The only hope is a group of teens. Four of them contain the strange powers of the Avatar, not only one. The new Avatar must travel back, using his unique abilities, and find the other previous Avatars from days past. They must find out what happened 50 years ago on the day known as “Day of Darkness.”


Any changes I should make?

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