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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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That sucks. But again, the only way for us to tell whether or not you deserved that would require us to know you better. But I do know that I don't like people spreading rumors; so with that in mind, it was uncalled for.

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Well today i was called a jerk by 2 different people and i did nothing to them plus i was denied by this girl today becouse someone told her i was a jerk and inconsideret and crap like that and i do nothing to no one


*Grabs hirikiri and gives him a powerful slap across the face*

SUCK IT UP!!!! It's called life! If someone calls you a jerk again, let 'em have it! I got your back!

Srsly. Don't dwell in your own sorrow. Get even...

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lol, an over-the-internet-slap worked. That would be a testament to the power of 820's rage/awesomeness. But seriously, stop caring what others think about you. At least for high school. You won't ever see the idiots again for the rest of your life, or if you do, they'll most likely be asking you for a job (maybe, depends on if you become the head of a company or not).

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Put Mr. Prince in the front of your current name. Mr. Prince, ThePhantomDuelist. Incredibly long user name ftw!

But seriously, do what you want. Even though Gaara, and maybe others but he was the only one that vocalized issues with it, will probably oppose it you should do what you feel like doing.

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Kay guys 5 things

1:Im back FINALLY and im sorry i was gone 4 awile there i had stuff out the ass i needed to take care of (probably couldve worded THAT better)

2:Ill be making some new card sets and stuff so be on the lookout

3:by mid November i should be ready to join some new RP's (too much to deal with now)

4:Bleach Starsworn memoris got locked....Sh*t -_-

5:srsly that REALLY sucks


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Both parties have their stupid/ridiculous moments. Generally, the party not in power tends to do the dumber things. And it's not really a republican thought, it's just an idea made up by idiots. I guess some "genius" was thinking something like, "Heeeeey..... Obama, sounds a lot like abom. Huh, it'd be funny if I said obamination" or something of that sort.

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