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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Every time I leave 10 or so pages pop out to taunt me in the morning.


-scratches head-


Correct me if I'm wrong but, one of the original founders came back, Jake and said founder had a bit of a clash of wits(or w/e) and Chaos STILL wants to join?


Alright alright alright.


First of all, hai to the founder guy.


Second of all, I don't think suddenly coming in and saying because you were an original founder you instantaneously gain your administration of this club back.


Last but not least, surprisingly, Chaos and I have been on relatively good terms. You just have to threaten him once or twice is all. But w/e. Not my decision.

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So this is why I don't read new posts when it's been a while... These new ones (Namely the ones by our "esteemed" leader) make me sick...


Who the hell are you? Someone please tell me where all these people are popping up from.


Hello Fenrir. And l never left or gave up my spot in the first place.


Things are going well DN-Fan.

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So this is why I don't read new posts when it's been a while... These new ones (Namely the ones by our "esteemed" leader) make me sick...


Who the hell are you? Someone please tell me where all these people are popping up from.


Hello Fenrir. And l never left or gave up my spot in the first place.



Oh. Well that explains things.


Yeah, I just got the feeling that you gave up your spot or something like that. >_>;

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Rag . . . how about getting used to everything for about' date=' oh, a week before trying to throw any weight around?


We all listen to Phantom because we've gotten to know him and respect him. Same goes for Tempest.


You've been gone . . . need to get used to everyone first, don't you think?



... What about me?


Also, Rag was banned... And I have to deal with him EVERYDAY. So Jake, don't complain x.x

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Heh . . . Hahahahahahahaha!


Ah' date=' very well said. You don't really care what others tink about you and I respect that. I wouldn't mind taking you on everyone once in a while just for the hell of it.


Either way stick around until you get bored or have to move on. Won't bother me unless we actually start becoming friends.


As for everyone else, who happens to be in SOP, I have a few announcements.


1.) Starting soon we will have two new members. They are Skippy Cannoe and Aqua Girl; with the possability of Gamble becoming a third.


2.) Chaos Zero is making a plead to be allowed back in; stating that he has changed his ways and will even make new characters. This is my main concern for now and would really like to hear from everyone who is IN SOP opinion.

[spoiler=Chaos Zero's New App']

Character Name: Shu Chinen

Creator: Chaos Zero

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Super Powers: Elemental transmutation, elasticity and size shifting. (last 2 extends to the mantle he usually wears) powers i would like to use that are not listed is something like elemental transmutation, except is uses seeds as a medium and can have many effect depending on how they are used and what they are used for. not necessarily meant to be all purpose, just a multipurpose power that can help in many situations.

Bio: Raised on the outskirts of a city that bordered a battle field, Shu Chinen lost his parents shortly after his 13th birthday. friendless and alone, he had to fight in order to survive and was only able to survive on a day to day basis due to his innate ability which eventually manifested itself into the abilities he currently wields. In earlier years, he had become an embittered soul whose only thought was to punish everyone who was involved in the battle that stole his family from his life. Now having trained for many years, he has taken the strong will that he forged from a hatred he has left behind and is now seeking to find others who have powers as well, hoping that he will be able to, in his own small way, defeat the evils that haunt this world and return peace to it so that no one else will have to suffer through what he has endured.

Fighting Style: Shu Chinen uses his mantle, and occasionally parts of his body to fight his enemies in close range combat. When it comes to mid and long range combat though, he prefers to use his transmutative abilities to unbalance his and trap his opponent. He doesn't like killing, but will do so if he is left with no other alternative.




3.) This maybe a repeat, but The Newest Chapter Of "Struggle Of Powers" Is Up On RPU!


Jake my opinion is that Chaos Zero screwed up so badly before that I don't want to take the chance of him doing it again. Also we need to look at new applicant's by what they and their characters can bring to the RP and I don't think Chaos Zero can bring anything decent to the story.

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And this is the reason why I wanted everyone's opinion for Chaos Zero's application- which already seems to be another unnanimous "hell no"


As for Aqua Girl, not knowing she was Chaos Zero's girl, I looked at her application like I would anyone most others and found it both unqiue and different. If you all want to read the application [i know Andrew already has being co-owner] then I'll place it here.


Cephus I would be moer than happy to have you come and join SOP. Just get to work and I'll need to tell Shadius to do the same; still haven't gotten a app from him.


Anyone else find it funny there isn't any complaints about Skippy Cannoe joining? Hu . . .


And Black, I know you deal with him everyday and I already feel sorry *pats on shoulder* LOL . . . but Rag's got a bit of my respect with the last comment he posted before I mentioned Chaos Zero and all of that other stuff. But don't expect me and him to get along ALL the time, lol, we'll most likely have quite a few "clash of wits" as Fenrir put it. So, wasn't really complaining to be honest.

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Skippy Cannoe joined SOP . . .


[spoiler=And here is Aqua Girl's application]

Character Name: Vera Valahad

Creator: Aqua Girl

Age: 21

Image: Cillian_T__Azreal_by_Squit_head.jpg

Gender: F

Super Powers: I Wana Request a power. The power to drain peoples energy.

Directly by touch: This makes the drain greater.

By an area efect: The drain is less but offers a beter chance of not haveing the person your draining to damage. While She uses the drainig efect she cant Use the energy she has gained to exselerate her power.


The basic resonence of this power is you drain your oponets energy and use the energy in your body, to excelerate your speed and treangth.


Bio: Vera Is a Woman from a great clan from japan. she is actualy over 700 years old. She lead her clan who has the ability to drain peoples energy from there bodies to survive till 1946 when all but her and her daughter were killed by vampire hunters who asumed they were vampires. Now day after day she acts like a normal human trying to hide. Being an elder from the clan she has the strongest ability to absorb.

Fighting Style: She uses Exicutioner style(Iori from KOF uses this style.)

Sample Post:

"L-Leo...... Nononononono NO!!!!!!!!" Abby screems' date=' looking up at the remainig two raiders that closing in on the two, a masive spiral Of darkness surounds abby, her pony tails break and release her hair, the spiral of darkness turns to a collom of darkness.


Two Ebony blades slice through the collom of shadows dispersing the shadows(Like Ichigo siperses the dust When he goes Bankai), This new Figure has her eyes closed she opens them strikeing fear in the eyes of even the Raiders, the figure disapears and reappers behind the two raiders, one raider flops over cut in half, but instead of bursting into light it fades in to particles and raises to the sky.


The second one had its lower half torrn off, "M-My Mistress, fo-forgiveness dont let him...kee-keep me" The creature gurgles, as tears fall begging fredom from the king of ghosts.


"[b']Forgiveness... You dont deserve to have a fate to searve a weakling[/b]" The figure says, in a voice so pouerful that would kill all humans and animals with in hearing, birds begin to fall.


With a Quick Slash The Raider Disperses in a simaler fasion as the other she defeted, "Leo...." the figure says.


The Woman walks over to Leon, "Child Of Shadows! Do you wish to be free from your prison and serve me or do you want to searve a fate like the Raiders?" She booms, In a voice Though not leathal to him it hurts his head, More birds begin to fall.

OoC: [spoiler= What she looks like now...]Black_Wind_by_Xenosnake.jpg




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That is the reason I asked her to change it to 500 or whatever . . . the oldest people are 1000 years old and that is only with certain conditions; like the Legendarys.


[spoiler=Skippy's App]

Character Name: Bellis Simplex

Creator: Skippy Canoe

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Super Powers: Mediumship, Precognition, Invisibility (If you're only allowed one, I'll take Precognition)

Bio: Bellis Simplex was born as Daisy Warner, but changed it after becoming an emancipated minor. Bellis Simplex, her new full name, was the scientific name for some sort of daisy, she had found out, and found it fitting, even though she had no interest in flowers. Later in life she was brought to this dimension to fight with other Supers. Though sometimes deceiving, Bellis is a good person to have on your side.

Fighting Style: She usually uses hand-to-hand combat, since most of her powers don't aid in fighting. Sometimes she uses invisibility as an advantage, but only when she has not been seen beforehand, or in desperate situations.

Sample Post: Bellis watched in agony as flames enveloped the man in the doorway. The smell of burning flesh burnt her nostrils, and she knew she had to get out of the room. Unfortunately, the only exit she knew was now blocked by bright flames. She took a quick glimpse into the future, and saw her own death. By now, she knew she had to do something. The body of the singed man, now lay on the floor, and she attempted to communicate with him. She heard a voice, and saw the silhouette of the man against the flames.


"Above you are ceiling tiles. If you can climb into the system beyond them, you may be able to escape!"


Bellis nodded quickly and pushed a ceiling tile aside. Within a moment's notice, she had climbed above and made it to the entrance of the building, where she successfully escaped.




And you know what? Everyone can thank Kira for telling them about the rp ^^ So give'em a rep to show your appreciation for him getting two really good, from the looks of it, rpgers into the game.


BTW- BOTH have sworn to the two conditions of posting often and posting lengthy posts.

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