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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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And since pretending to make a generic post detailing my style in an non-existent RP is tough, here is my application, noting a few more things I tend to do in my RPs, as well as filling in a bit more info, due to the fact that there are no previous posts for people to read.


[spoiler=The application. Ver2]

Username: encapturer

Your Characters: Kind of tough, but I do have a few 'templates' that I build off of. They tend to be a bit different each iteration, though. The first two are actually characters for a game I'm making, so using their templates in RPs help solidify their characters.

Aldir, Merin, Evan Adarian.

A GOOD RP Sample(At least 7 sentences):


"I've got it!" Evan grabbed the stone from the pedestal with both his hands. As he did, all the deathtraps shut off and retracted back into the walls. Even the deadly green gas he barely escaped seemed to dissipate into the air. I don't want to go through *that* again, ugh, he thought, breathing a sigh of relief. He noted to thank Carol for her timely intervention, as well. As he was the one to touch it, according to the rules, he could not drop it, else the team would be disqualified. And after successfully maneuvering those deathtraps, he'd hate for his actions to be for naught just because of a loose grip.


Evan carried the stone through the once again featureless white hallway. With all of the light it was emitting, it would make for a good torch, Evan thought, before realizing that they'll be hunted down for the Light Stone. "Hey guys," he said to the others. "Everyone's gonna come after us now, so let's get to the finish." He was smiling all the while, confident now that his team will win.



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Oh please . . . don't even try and act like you can spot anything wrong here. Everything has gone smoothly for as long as I can remember.


Though some members are more annoying than others, there isn't anything of immediate or long term concern.


Just enjoy being back for however long you decide to stay

[which hopefully won't be long. May I pack your things?]


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Crazy? l've been told...


Not everything' date=' just things l should know.


Oh, and i'm a co-admin. Yeah, just like that, l declared it. l am the original guy anyway. l don't know how all you new people got promoted without my say so.



Your the one who brought me to this place! That was looooooooooooooooooooooong ago.


Very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong ago. And that's where I met Gaara! (I remember when he was a 1 star, lol) Yes, now I remember.


I never forgot you. You triggered a whole new chain of events for me the few days I've known you.


You might- wait- lemme check.

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Um I'm not here to talk over but your no where near god status when it comes to rping rag,


Why does Bakura have a bed of my clothes?!?!? (I know smexy... and hate it.)


posts like that for a RP aren't anywhere NEAR good....

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I don't like the way you're talking to me. So yeah, l know you might not be scared or even care, but that dosen't make the snake any less potent. Watch it.


l never said there was anything wrong, hence "For now".


I might just stay and see how this place is run. Or l might leave and hopefully this place dosen't burn to the ground like everything around me.

I wouldn't get my hopes up about either one. l don't know what i'm going to do.

So you're shadius.

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I applied like most people in here, I simply used my skills as a writer and 820 said it was alright.

Just telling ya now things are ran differently here and if you think for the slightest that you can get away with two lines of none story adding bull I won't hold back in taking actions.


Job comes before all if needed sadly

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Certian things should not be spoken. Let the wind blow and the trees rustle, and let the man hold on to his loot forever, while all you get are the leaves which silently plummet to your feet, and the soft, warm, welcoming ground below. These leaves may tell lies, they may tell the truth. But one thing is certian, you will not get the loot, no matter how hard you strain.


You will hear this again. Life has a way of repeating itself.

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I spit at it. But if you correctly look at my title, you will see that I Cephalus, cheated on a GOD, and want her back. I have no common sense whatsoever. I therefore do not support Philosophy. I support science.


Oh, and sorry, Shadius but you no longer have a perfect row of 100's.


If he cries in a corner, +1 for me!

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