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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Username: Teh Batinich

RP characters used: Neko Ishtar

RP sample: (Richard looks to Ina, "So you figured the one you were told by is him my dear?" He asks her, shooting a group of green bolts at the chasing humans. "I'd really talk right now, but me and the wolfys here are sorta being chased, I mean they'd all be dead soon if we'd stay but... Wait, Elfy, can ya give us a ride outta here?" He asks pointing at the two werewolfs with him.) Gaia post The Reapers.

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On the other side

(Hunter's was riding on his D-wheel, his was riding toward the city)


he stopped in a middle of the beach, and then he was looking at the beautiful ocean


Hunter: its been 5 years, huh?

Hunter: Ryo! Azure! Zarkus! we've been through a lot together

Hunter: i should proceed to my distenation now


(that was a long time before the new RP role)

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I'll get one of my better ones, here (He notices the uncertianty in her... then looks to the sky. "Hmmm, snow... never a good sign here... expecially during the night." He says softly... he looks to Mia and smiles, "Trust is but a thought, lie is but a way to say I hate you, I am not a man of hate, I am a kind giving person in a small 2 roomed shack, I built it for me and my wife... after her death I separeted the mats... one for me and one for my new son, whom was eaten by a wolf. Yet now I see the world as a place to give my help, so me and my pet owl offer you my extra mat.")

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Cool, we're talking about constellations and signs now. Any reasons Leo is the best 820; other than just because it's yours?

Mine is Capricorn. The names sounds cool and all but the constellation is some stupid goat-thing. -_-

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