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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Darn, Black posted the code right after I did it myself. Oh well.

@Proto: I see that you've accepted Shadow. Well I believe you should make it painfully, and I mean painfully, clear that god-modding, ooc-only posting, and the like will not be tolerated. I know he should've read the rules but he doesn't listen. Make it clear that he's on thin ice as you ran into issues with his app so if he doesn't watch it he won't be around too long. I say this because I know we will run into these problems with him and I don't want to see them, and I don't want you to have to deal with them. If you don't tell him, and probably even if you do, we'll see the classic shadow problems with the RP.

@Black: Hey, at least he's not going to be on your side.

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*Pats Proto-Oogie's head. Again*


Well, let me start.


He is banned from the club for: Being a douche, OOC: onlies, spamming, being a nuisance, god-modding, and calling Phantom pedo-bear, among other things. He is a HORRIBLE God-mod. HE is ignorant, and stubborn as a bull. Andx can elaborate more, if he so wishes.

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Oh boy. Here we go. While Black has mentioned the personal problems with shadow I will go in-depth on the RP problems.


Shadow's single biggest problem is that he makes everything happen in a way he wants them to go. Allow me to explain. Suppose your character has been interacting with his. If your character decides to go off and do something on their own, not only will he not let it happen but he will throw himself into the middle of it all. Whether he means to or not, he will even god-mod just make sure what he wants happens. He will throw any plot ideas you have that don't sit well with him out the window. Actually he probably won't give you opportunities to implement these plot points. In a fight he absolutely refuses to take a loss, or even a hit for that matter. He has this weird idea that his character has to be the strongest thing in existence. Expect much god-modding in battle with him, his weapons even show that he will. Notice he has lots of options where just about anything could happen? Yeah, that's so he can always win; and he will use the dumbest things to always win. For the most pointless reasons he will make ooc only posts. He will argue what he's doing isn't wrong even when it clearly is. Multiple times when confronted he has said he will change; he never has.


Do you get the picture now?

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Oh bugger........why that would be not good at all. If he shows the mention of any of those things happen he will be banned. Also I will be taking control of Ganon and any mystical complete being that is required for you at all, give me a PM first to tell me what to do.

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Leo saw 2 of the raiders edging towards the building' date=' but was not in time to stop them. "s***!!!" Leo ran into the inn once more, drawing the Sword of Truth as he did so. He entered just in time to see the shadowy stranger lose ground against the raiders...and they were herding him over to where Abby was! "NO!!!" Leo was completely lost, pulled beyond the point of no return. All his life he had tried to hold his anger at bay, but now he would not be denied. Completely throwing caution to the wind, he embraced the rage emanating from the Sword of Truth, the twin of his own, and in a single wordless yell, charges directly at the nearest raider and stabs the sword into its gut, piercing through it's back, and with an almighty jerk, heaved the blade upward and cleaved the raider from its abdomen clear through its skull. As Leo lifted the blade over his head and sliced it downward to finish cleaving the raider down the middle, it uttered and unearthly howl and disappeared in a bright flash of white light.



"Come on' date=' we don't have time to wait around!" Leo didn't know if Abby had recovered enough yet but he couldn't risk losing Abby, not again. Right as he picks Abby up in his arms, he saw the other 2 raiders enter into the inn through the wall. Supporting Abby with his mantle and left arm, he extends his right arm and yells "Teo Zakeruga!" The shield weapon appears once more, but instead fires continuous streams of 8 simultaneous Zakeruga blasts as he uses his mantle to slam through the wall just to the side of where the shadow who he had yet to realize was Leon was. The raiders were blasted through the wall that they had come through, and the blast seemed to actually do some real damage this time. [i']Fortunately everyone seems to have scattered when the raiders entered in, but they're not gone yet.[/i] Turning around and after a few steps, doing a running jump through the hole he made and lands just next to the shadow. "Lead on stranger."


I love Zero.

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Meanwhile' date=' Andx, your character is about to interact with Shadow's character, I wish I could help but I'm just a all-powerful god in this roleplay, goodbye!



Oh well, it's not like a god could do some..... hey! Oh well, let's go see what's going on.

EDIT: No idea what Shadow is talking about. He's sent himself off to the Shadow Temple in Kakiriko, my character is in Hyrule Castle Town.

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Proto, I am joining your RP as 3 characters.


Made up a nice Race to go along with each of them. But, I will introduce them as the story progresses, not right away. Is this fine with you?


Oh, you forgot the Rito race. Meh, the Twili race isn't really a part of this. The other races (small, but mentioned) aren't there either, but again, they have no importance whatsoever.

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ohh...now i wanted some advice...see the What If battle center around the RP characters ive seen you make and thinking "What if this guy and this guy fought?" and that idea kept getting bigger and bigger and now i just HAVE to see how it would play out...yknow...kinda like fanfiction centered around US...except minus the crack pairings and bullsh*t...juuuust the fighting

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