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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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I hate Shadius (And I use that term unlightly). Really' date=' I feel like he should burn in hell. [b']And I hope he goes berserk and kills Rinne and Icyblue and as they bleed out their mouths and utters their last breath he says "Don't worry, you'll get your revenge. I'll be seeing you two in hell." And kills himself.[/b].



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Well i think everyone here has no shot at becoming a mod. This is all what I think I've heard has to happen for new mods to be made. First, the forum needs a mod. No sense adding more if there are enough. Two, other mods have to like you enough to request that you be made a mod. This is where I think we're shot. If we all hate mods then there's little chance they'll ever like us enough to recommend us. Three, whoever decides who becomes mods decides that you should be. That was pretty self-explanatory.

So yeah Gaara that's an idea of how it goes.

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Then a sample of how evil your new lord and master trully is!


Username: Jake the Sage (or master if you would)

RP Characters Used: Kotaro, Tarr, Alice/Necroma, Erik, Pulse, Lora, Nic, Yaming, Andrew, The General, Balthazar, Marcus, Katie, Sonya, Mina, Cerberus, Kyushi, Hydra, Domo, I have ran out but I know there is MORE!!!

Epic RP Sample: You asked for it and here it is!!!


Mythology RPG (No Longer Accepting New Members)


Kotaro happily nods his head to Tarr and then heads out to the west, and the setting sun.


Meanwhile . . .


As the twilight hour grows near a figure appears behind the Oracle, brandishing a sword unlike anyone has ever seen before. The Oracle lets out a sigh and gives a small grin.


"I knew you'd come for me sooner or later . . ." A gasp escapes from her as the blade is sunk deep into her back and through her front. She smiles as the warm blood drips from the tip of the sword and onto her lap. The slick noise of the weapon being pulled being pulled out of her lets her know it is almost over. The blade takes off the Oracle's head and as it rolls on the ground one last sentance is uttered, "Be safe . . . my daughter."

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