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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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I think we all have our own little grudge against one of the mods. For whatever reason I sorta disliked SushiTheLegend. Not anymore though. I don't really hate any of the mods at the moment, though Rinne might be trying to take that position.

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RAGE!!! I saw that too. Rinne says because of ooc only posts and god-modding but it's totally because of shadow's ooc only post. I can't believe Rinne didn't simply warn shadow. Wouldn't it make sense to warn the one offending user instead of lock the thread. No' date=' he had to lock the whole thread just because he warned it in the past WHEN THE RP HADN'T EVEN STARTED.

Well I'm done being angry. Though that's the last RP i'll join with shadow in it.



Actually, since it was stated in the rules, the owner of the RP should've told shadow to stop such posts, report him, or ban him from the RP. So, basically, since it's the owner's thread, it's the owner's responsibility to do so. And if the owner doesn't, then, as a punishment, the mods lock the thread. The mods also give warnings to whoever did the OoC only posts.


Yes, I sometimes can be a rule-follower, only because the rules make the most sense.

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They ALL are. My personal dislike is Shadius....


True. He/She warned be for breaking the main rule of Advanced Claus before it came into effect (for the second time). The only other person who warned me was Umbra, but I forgive him, and since he's gone, I can't hold grudges against him.

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STILL!!! It's ridiculous! I say we appeal to whosoever is above Rinne! Such as SuperMods!!!


Rinne is one of my favorite mods. And Icyblue will probably be your best bet for appealing' date=' though he'd probably just come up with some type of resolution. Darth would ignore you unless you say please and be nice, but then he'll just say that "Rinne's doing his job." or something similar. Admins are never on (If you were to appeal to an Admin, Falling Pizza wouuld be your best bet) but that's really all. So it's a lose-lose situation for you, unless you became a mod.[hr']

If you are really having problems with Rinne, try talking to him personally, but be nice.

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Actually' date=' since it was stated in the rules, the owner of the RP should've told shadow to stop such posts, report him, or ban him from the RP. So, basically, since it's the owner's thread, it's the owner's responsibility to do so. And if the owner doesn't, then, as a punishment, the mods lock the thread. The mods also give warnings to whoever did the OoC only posts.



That was one of the main issues. Raiden was hardly ever on. And Rinne only did it after one ooc only post. His reason for locking it makes it sound like we were constantly using ooc only posts.

But I will admit that appealing to someone about it is pointless. They won't change their minds. I'm just mad that Rinne flipped after a single ooc only post and locked the thread instead of warning the one user; which I think would have been more appropriate. Whatever, I'm over it...... mostly.

If anything this makes me that mods should regularly be changed so as to avoid the whole power craziness that often comes with extended time as a mod. I know there would probably be a lot of issues with that but it's just an idea.

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i dont know maby becaous Dragon tried to warn me for point scam with no basis.

Crab becaous he was the one that first banned/locked one of my forums.


1. Flame Dragon must've had a bad day that day.


2. Crab is awesome. You do not hate Crab. Crab hates you.

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I'm not a mod-pet. I just like rules that make sense.




I just fell sad for Rinne. He's doing his job, why are people attacking him so much. Their just not use to him, probably.


Opalmoon, though, I question...

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