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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Characters: [spoiler=Niki Nisan]Name:Vera Valahad

Age: 17

Bio:She is a girl that is obsessed with dark things and helped create Somnus she usualy dosent fufill her duties as a admin.

Personality:She is a dark and sucluded girl, she often spies on Nakio she only once saw his real image and from then on was captivated by him, odly she likes to play manny video games.





[spoiler=Kakurane and Grimjenna][spoiler=Grimjenna]

Name: Grimjenna

Appearance: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.deviantart.com/download/60961359/Grimmjow_MnF_by_Virte.jpg&imgrefurl=http://virte.deviantart.com/art/Grimmjow-MnF-60961359&usg=__cErKbCbbfcLTFwCrZsiU-snGZ7I=&h=1737&w=907&sz=263&hl=en&start=50&um=1&tbnid=YQnHOtwXRGc_QM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=78&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfemale%2Bgrimmjow%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D36%26um%3D1

Rank:She's rank 3

Ability:She is stronger and faster than her brother an she can make Adjuchas ghosts that look like her brothers Adjuchas form, with her own spiritual pressure.

Hierro, Garganta, Sonído Master, Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Enhanced Hierro, Kurohyou Tsume(like grimmjows Desgarrón but stronger and black)

Sealed Zanpaktou: The same as grimmjow's just the blue is black

Zanpaktou Name: Kurohyou

Release phrase: Claw at the shadows Kurohyou!

1st release Description:Rule_63_Grimmjow_Sketch_by_DiscordOfSound.jpg

2nd release Description: The same but her skills are doubbled, and the white turns black and whats blue turns greyish white and the armor mophs to look more like a black panther, the mask is the shape of a panther mouth around her mouth and

the ear armor area is the same.











[spoiler=Kakurane Verdk]

Name: Kakurane verdk

Appearence: [spoiler=pic]The_Demon_Girl_by_transfuse.jpg



Abilities:invoretable to any spirtual baced attack, can regenerate but slower that her higher ranks, but she cannot use kido. she is super fast.

Weapon:tiger claw gauntlets. the gauntlets are invonerable to anny damage.

Shikai Description:

Bankai Description:

Shukai Description:












[spoiler= sample]Aizen starts to laugh hystaricly "M-My lord why are you laughing, wait this raisu is Ukiyo, I must go you'll be safe here" Grimmjow says as he is given the signal to leave.

As soon as Grimmjow got out of the garganta he was crushed to the ground by the spiritual pressure he then looks at ukiyos skeleton and zarkus's torn body, "hey girl look look at what they did look at your dearest Zarkus, look at ukiyos reminants, and just look at what thos damed demons are doing to your friends, HUH ARE YOU GONA SIT THERE AND LET THEM DO THAT TO THEM!!!!, you deside hide or fight" Grimjow says as his voice fades but the number 6 stays on her back.

Grimjenna gets up looks at Ukiyos skeleton tears start to streem down her face, she then looks over at Zarkus in horror the tears flow as her spiritual pressure increases, "OOOoOOOOOoOOO!!!!!!!" she screams.

She charges the devil as the number 2 apears on her back she unleashes a black smoke on him and utters, "Nothing is imortal before my eyes" she says in an old mans voice.


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RAGE!!! I saw that too. Rinne says because of ooc only posts and god-modding but it's totally because of shadow's ooc only post. I can't believe Rinne didn't simply warn shadow. Wouldn't it make sense to warn the one offending user instead of lock the thread. No, he had to lock the whole thread just because he warned it in the past WHEN THE RP HADN'T EVEN STARTED.

Well I'm done being angry. Though that's the last RP i'll join with shadow in it.

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