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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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Let's recap. These are all of them I have posted so far. Which of these do you like?


Motadel' date=' [b']Ryron[/b], Emeraro, Sylasca, Hitoshire, Kagetaun, Saburoas, Yajuul, Sekoa, Gattoma, Shoirtos, Bochinadakai OR Nadabokai, Skilikis, Hororu, Vanaheim, Niflheim, Eostre, Kleiymach, Morklin, Shynix, Sumshire, Mossiton, Auxitikri, Tortuji, Cloust, Hariasa, Anafor


Everything in bold.

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How long did you take' date=' Andx-sama?


Half-hour tops for each. (I can pm each of them to you in case you'd like more examples.)


Like the name list there destron; same goes for Jake's selections.

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Actually it doesn't take that long. So I see where Andx-dono went with his. I only spend about 15-20 minutes on each part. Sometimes longer if I have to ponder about a certain object or person.


I only spent 10 minutes on Rennac, but still @_@

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Just so everyone can see, here are the four islands.

[spoiler=Crista Luna Insula]

Geography and Climate: Crista Luna Insula is the arguably the largest of the Four Islands. It is roughly 300,000 square kilometers (for reference, Japan is about 375,000 square kilometers). The island is roughly octagonal in shape. There are mountains towering over the island on the east, west, and south sides. The only entrance into the island is the northern coast. The majority of the land is covered in decently thick forests and there is one major lake right before the southern mountains. There is always fog present. Most days it's relatively thin but on odd days it becomes so thick that a person could only see an inch in front of themselves. The temperature never really gets above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Somehow there is always a light breeze that never really dies but never gets rid of the fog. The island sees a lot of rainfall each year and the forests are always green; though with the fog you probably wouldn't see the forest.

History: Crista Luna Insula was found quite by accident. 600 years before this RP, explorers from Nomen were attempting the map the world and wandered into the dense fog surrounding the island. They knew of the other three islands around the area but were quite surprised when they stumbled onto the Northern shore of the island. The mapped out the island and saw that it was reasonably safe in places and that the land was fertile. After their return to Nomen they brought many who wished to colonize the island. They found the center of the island held fierce, territorial monsters but the edges of the island, near the mountains, were the safest parts. They set up towns and were happy with what they had done. After 100 years the fog became stronger and the ships from Nomen could no longer navigate their way to the island. The island and Nomen lost contact and never attempted greatly to reestablish connections. As it turns out, those who went to Nomen were those of a recently started religion that was greatly persecuted at the time in Nomen. Seeking refuge, they went to Crista Luna Insula and were glad to be gone from the people of Nomen.

Foreign Relations and Military: As the nature of the island might suggest, the people tend to stay out of foreign affairs. They have never really allied themselves with anyone and have never really done anything to spark conflicts. The other nations know of their existence but tend to leave them alone as they don't do anything to anyone else. They don't really have an organized military as they've never really required it. Though since they came from Nomen there are many skilled mages. They could form a pseudo-army of mages if it was ever required but show no interest in ever doing it.

Science and Technology: The people of the island never reached out to the outside world so they never really developed on a technological level. They have good homes with electricity and plumbing but nothing much after that. They instead went to studying magic and made great progress in magic pertained to nature; water, earth, wind, etc. Though at the present they are finally being exposed to some advances in technology. The acceptance of the new inventions is slow but steady.

Transportation: Well, there's horse drawn carriages, and then there's walking. Only some have started to use primitive automobiles and even then moving through forests is difficult.

Energy: Their only option for electricity was windmills. Their towns are often full of them.

Religion: The religion is simple called Natura, Latin for basics/essentials. They do believe in a god who created the universe but they believe he wishes to see what it will do on its own. As such he plays no part in it. They believe in staying close to nature and the more extreme condemn most technologies. They believe that the god will reward those who study the magics of nature after their death by allowing their spirit access to all the knowledge of the world and grant them the right to live with him. The Naturas, as the people who practice it are called, often look down on outsiders but still show hospitality. Still they would rather outsiders, and their wicked technologies, stay out of their home.

Education: As far as technology and math goes their education is practically nonexistent. Each person is taught about nature and the magics surrounding it to a great extent. Instead of scholars they rather try to make sages of the students. They have large academies, often the center pieces of their towns, where children from ages 7-17 come 5 days a week to learn. Afterwards, if they wish to continue a student must find a sage who is willing to take them as an apprentice.

Health: The island is oddly clear of most diseases. Though due to lack of technology the water and food is often dirty. The average life span of a person would be 60 years. However, those who study the magics to a great extent find ways to live to 90 and even 100.

Food: Due to being surrounded by water their cuisine is often seafood. Many different kinds of fish are used in their diet. They do come across the occasional red meat from some animals of the forest. However if they follow such animals too far they run into monsters.

Sports: The only thing that could qualify as a sport would be the duel. Two magicians compete to see who can manipulate nature better. After a few minutes of using the elements they then turn to see who can knock the other out with offensive magic. Duels are not frequent but do happen with a certain regularity. Often the whole town comes to watch a duel.

Monsters: The weaker monsters are often plant-based and usually leave blatantly obvious traps out to attack people. The stronger monsters in the center of the forest are often beast-based. They have sharp fangs, claws, and attack without warning.



[spoiler=Auctor Generis Insula]

Geography and Climate: Auctor Generis Insula is a long narrow island that snakes around the other 3 of the Four Islands. It is actually quite close to being the largest island as it is only about 10,000 square kilometers smaller than Crista Luna Insula. Obitus Insula is west of it, Merula Insula is to the north and Crista Luna Insula is to the South of it. The island is long has 3 noticeable climates. The center of the island is almost swamp like. It's always humid and hot, generally around 77 degrees Fahrenheit on a cool day. Though the people have built over the swamp for the most part. As you travel to the eastern third the climate becomes semi-arid. The swamps are gone, it's slightly cooler, the humidity is gone and other such things. The western third of the island is a rain forest. Thick vegetation of all kinds abounds along with many types of animals.

History: Auctor Generis was settled by three different groups of people. Strangely enough, each group took one of the three climate zones. The rain forest section was settled by an odd group of wanders 700 years ago. The Tigris were a group of outcasts from a town in Valni. The Tigris could best be described as half-men, half-tiger. They stand upright like men but look just like tigers. Though they were by no means an idiotic people. Persecuted for their appearance, they fled to the rain forest of Auctor Generis. There they built their main city and began to prosper in the land.


The swamps were settled by a group of scientists from Nomen 550 years ago. These men and women wanted very much to study and invent new technologies. Though the people of Nomen wanted none of it at Nomen at the time. So the group went to Auctor Generis and decided they would developed their technology there. They settled and set to work on their inventing. They made a wonderfully large city in the center of the swampland. Before long they had tamed the land and began to prosper with their advanced technology.


The semiarid zone of the island was settled by a group of nomadic humans almost 800 years ago. They simply wanted a calm peaceful land where they would be undisturbed by wars and contentions of the mainland nations. They set a capital city and spread out from there.


About 400 years ago leaders from the three groups met together as the 3 were on the verge of war. Instead they decided on a peaceful alliance and made the 3 isolated groups become one unified nation. The 3 groups respect each other and rather like their cooperation. All three provide services to the other two that they couldn't otherwise receive. Now the three groups move freely throughout the entire island and it is quite common to see some of all 3 in any give city.

Foreign Relations and Military: As the most advanced nation of the Four Islands Auctor Generis quickly went about establishing good ties with the mainland nations. They've had a few wars where they proved they would not easily be destroyed but otherwise they have good ties with other nations. Their military consists of a strong air force, provided by the middle group, a strong ground army, provided by the Tigris, and a pretty good special opps force, provided by the nomads.

Science and Technology: The central group of settlers were focused on science and therefore the island is very advanced. They have slightly better technology then modern day America. They are on the verge of creating laser weapons and teleporting devices, though both seem far off. As they focused on technology, magic is almost nonexistent among the people of Auctor Generis. The other two groups have adopted the technology as well and like it quite a lot.

Transportation: Planes, non-polluting automobiles, you name it. They've got quite a bit of high tech transportation.

Energy: They have harnessed solar energy rather well but the central group also has nuclear energy to power the whole island.

Religion: The scientific central group, and the nomads really have no religion. If anything you could call them atheist. The Tigris however have a traditional tribal religion that they care for greatly and try to preserve. It's basic beliefs are that there was a great spirit who created all the world and that he placed all life on the earth for a reason. The Tigris have many traditional rituals and ceremonies.

Education: The education of the Auctor Generis is very science and math centered. All three groups use a system very similar to America's. There are elementary, middle, and high schools along with 3 very prestigious colleges, one in each section of the nation.

Health: With the advances in technology health for all three groups is very good. The two human sections have an average life expectancy of 85 and the Tigris, who have always had longer lives, can be expected to live to about 125.

Food: The Tigris are very centered on the red meats and vegetation they can find in their rain forest. While the central and eastern sections depend more on the ocean. Though as all three are united they trade their various good with another so everyone has a balanced diet.

Sports: The Tigris enjoy a sport, under a name only they can pronounce, very similar to rugby. The central scientists don't particularly care for sports. Whereas the nomads have games similar to soccer and baseball.

Monsters: The monsters are most abundant in the rain forest where they are beast-based and insect-based. The monsters are fewest in the central region where whatever does appear is usually from the ocean, so obviously aquatic monsters. The monsters in the nomad region are like the nomads. They don't ever really stay in place and they are usually bird-based.



[spoiler=Obitus Insula]

Geography and Climate: Obitus is a barren wasteland. There are jagged peaks and cliffs and caves everywhere. It is roughly 3/4 the size of Auctor Generis and is simply a rectangular island. The climate is inconsistent. There have been reported deaths of heat stroke and hypothermia dated in the same weak. Many say the monsters keep the climate hectic but no one can confirm.

History: Whether by fate or not, Obitus managed to become a massive monster breeding ground. Many groups have tried to settle the land but crops would not grow and monsters would kill many. Eventually it became common knowledge that the place should be averted. The monsters are many and ferocious. The weakest of them can bring most men to their knees with only a glance. Many legends say that an evil man was laid to rest with his horde of treasure long ago in Obitus. They say his spirit stalks the land, making it infertile and perfect for the worst of monsters. They say his soul plagues the place and incites the many beasts to attack anything and everything. Whether or not it's true, many have claimed to have been haunted. Even a rogue on the run would never think of fleeing to Obitus. And if a criminal ever did, the police would leave him be. Eventually his remains would be found near the shore. Many people's have. Though many have wanted to explore the place, none have been remotely brave, or strong, enough.

Foreign Relations and Military: There is no set group of people on the island. Some say there is a clan of humans as savage as the monsters but it's never been confirmed. The other nations avoid it at all cost. As there are no people there is no military.

Science and Technology: Again, there are no people. Or at least, no civilized people. There is no technology; just monsters.

Transportation: The only option is to walk or bring your own vehicle. There aren't townspeople waiting to greet you.

Energy: The only powering going on in Obitus is the energy one monster gets from eating another.

Religion: If beasts have a religion that would be Obitus's religion.

Education: The only education one could hope to gain from Obitus is that legends aren't worth pursuing. That or very specific details of a monster's digestive track. Either way not lessons you want to learn first-hand.

Health: Absolutely horrid. The many rotted monster corpses along with the lack of civilization make Obitus a breeding ground for germs as well as monsters. Many dangerous diseases have been contracted by people paying even minor visits.

Food: Monsters. Plants don't grow here so if you're in need of food you'd best get to hunting.

Sports: Hunting, and running. Lots of running.

Monsters: Every monster is man-sized or greater. All kinds of monsters abound in great number. Beasts, birds, insects, aquatics, though no plant monsters. Many monsters that could only be imagined reside within the hearts of the many caves.



[spoiler=Merula Insula]

Geography and Climate: The island is crescent in shape and is to the north of Auctor Generis. The two points of the arc are angled downward (essentially a sideways C). It is the smallest of the Four Islands, about 1/2 the area of Auctor Generis. As it has a lot of coast lines it is mainly a sandy place with a good bit of tropical vegetation. The weather is often sunny but tropical storms are frequent enough. The temperature generally stays between 78 and 93 degrees Fahrenheit. (Many wonder how there are so many different climates in just these four islands.)

History: Merula Insula started out with a small fishing port set up by fishermen of various nations about 450 years ago. Many exotic fish like to stay within the waters encompassed by the arc of the crescent. As such the fishing industry boomed. Many nations agreed to peacefully trade there. About 300 years ago the people at Merula Insula were allowed to become their own sovereign nation. Still they stuck mostly to fishing. Though the nice weather and clean water made it a popular vacation spot. Now it remains a peaceful place where many different people gather to enjoy themselves or enjoy the bountiful fishing.

Foreign Relations and Military: Many nations depend on the fish provided by Merula Insula. As such, most nations want to have good relations with the island government. The island has never once been required to go to war. Anytime nations went to war they kept it out of Merula Insula. Merula does not have an organized military. They've never been required to and they don't ever want to. Most people who live there aren't fighters anyway.

Science and Technology: As so many different people go in and out of Merula, it was natural that their technology would develop quite well. As trade is common they are mostly on Auctor Generis's technological level. Still a good group of people on the island still study magic to great extents. In Merula you find a unique mix of new technologies and old magical traditions.

Transportation: As they trade often with Auctor Generis, they have all the modern transportation methods. Public transportation is always available and convenient.

Energy: The whole island is powered by some very large and powerful, yet still clean, nuclear power plants located in the center of the island.

Religion: As there is such a large mixture of people there is a large mixture of religions. No one religion could really be called the dominant religion. Many people there are religious but there are also many who aren't.

Education: Education is good. Though if a person seeks additional opportunities in colleges they generally have to go to the 3 colleges of Auctor Generis. Education is important but not stressed as the most important thing.

Health: Health is good, like Auctor Generis. Though as the better doctors are in Auctor Generis the average life span of a person who lives their whole life in Merula should be expected to live to 75.

Food: Like the people, the food is wide and varied. They get all sorts of things from all sorts of places.

Sports: The many people bring their many sports to this island. If a sport exists somewhere else, you can bet it's played in Merula.

Monsters: The island itself is relatively monster free. Which is why the people can live there. However the seas to the north are home to terrible sea monsters of abnormal size. It is very uncommon for one of them to attack the island but it is not unheard of.




I've always been unnaturally fast at working. I generally finish assignments in school, that others take the whole period to do and get like half done, with 20 minutes to spare at the end of the period.

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*Clicks tongue* I can't allow you to copy and paste an RP Sample. It must be on the spot, and Senpai is the Judge.

Username: Daily News

Characters: Alexander McFiggleberry' date=' Gary Shackleburg, Mitarashi Kunozuka, Valian Greysan, Michio, Jadith Mazadian, Kios Kazuka, Laien Uchiha, Petr Vansworth, Zaos Caosin

A GOOD Rp Sample (at least 7 sentences): [spoiler=I overdid this part']

Jadith walks slowly to the gates, the guards spot him. "Hey stop there!" One yells.

"You can't come in here!" The other one yells.

"Hmph." Jadith grunts. "Cameron you take the other. Festive Flames." Jadith murmurs, then a blast of flames hits the guard. "Die." Jadth says coldly, he then draws his sword and stabs the guard in the heart. "I'm done with the guard."


"Fine this will be too simple," he stated. 20 wind needles formed and pierced into the man from behind. They all hit arterial veins and inject wind into the bloodstream. A second later the man falls dead without another word. "Why do you always have to make it look they were killed, can't you do it the clean way like I did?" Cameron asked. he let out a sigh and walked into the village. "Penetration complete, onto phase 2," he said.


Hirikiri looks behind himself and says,"Hello Kios how are you?" Hirikiri starts to go towards the village more quickly and says to Kios,"Sorry for being rude but i must get back to the village I have a feeling something bad is going to happen." Hirikiri then bursts forwards as fast as he can.


"It adds the fun to it, the way you do it makes it seem like they died of natural causes not that fun." Jadith said darkly. "Now we will have to blend in my Kekkei-Genkai should do that easily with you I do not know." Jadith's eyes turned deep blue then he changed his appearence to a Konoha shinobi. "Good enough now you will be a problem, no Kaguya's exist anymore and your Kekkei-Genkai doesn't help at all your half of the plan should work with the distraction." Jadith told Cameron.


P.S. lolrpuniversecopyandpasteRpsample.

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