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R.P.820: A Club for RPers |_/[43 Members]\_| {Let there be war!}


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As long and detailed as you possibly can. Ask Andx, he made the Four Isles and knows what I am looking for.


Better yet . . . and since he ain't on . . . I'll give you an example of what he did [and what I am looking for]



Auctor Generis Insula


Geography and Climate: Auctor Generis Insula is a long narrow island that snakes around the other 3 of the Four Islands. It is actually quite close to being the largest island as it is only about 10,000 square kilometers smaller than Crista Luna Insula. Obitus Insula is west of it, Merula Insula is to the north and Crista Luna Insula is to the South of it. The island is long has 3 noticeable climates. The center of the island is almost swamp like. It's always humid and hot, generally around 77 degrees Fahrenheit on a cool day. Though the people have built over the swamp for the most part. As you travel to the eastern third the climate becomes semi-arid. The swamps are gone, it's slightly cooler, the humidity is gone and other such things. The western third of the island is a rain forest. Thick vegetation of all kinds abounds along with many types of animals.

History: Auctor Generis was settled by three different groups of people. Strangely enough, each group took one of the three climate zones. The rain forest section was settled by an odd group of wanders 700 years ago. The Tigris were a group of outcasts from a town in Valni. The Tigris could best be described as half-men, half-tiger. They stand upright like men but look just like tigers. Though they were by no means an idiotic people. Persecuted for their appearance, they fled to the rain forest of Auctor Generis. There they built their main city and began to prosper in the land.


The swamps were settled by a group of scientists from Nomen 550 years ago. These men and women wanted very much to study and invent new technologies. Though the people of Nomen wanted none of it at Nomen at the time. So the group went to Auctor Generis and decided they would developed their technology there. They settled and set to work on their inventing. They made a wonderfully large city in the center of the swampland. Before long they had tamed the land and began to prosper with their advanced technology.


The semiarid zone of the island was settled by a group of nomadic humans almost 800 years ago. They simply wanted a calm peaceful land where they would be undisturbed by wars and contentions of the mainland nations. They set a capital city and spread out from there.


About 400 years ago leaders from the three groups met together as the 3 were on the verge of war. Instead they decided on a peaceful alliance and made the 3 isolated groups become one unified nation. The 3 groups respect each other and rather like their cooperation. All three provide services to the other two that they couldn't otherwise receive. Now the three groups move freely throughout the entire island and it is quite common to see some of all 3 in any give city.

Foreign Relations and Military: As the most advanced nation of the Four Islands Auctor Generis quickly went about establishing good ties with the mainland nations. They've had a few wars where they proved they would not easily be destroyed but otherwise they have good ties with other nations. Their military consists of a strong air force, provided by the middle group, a strong ground army, provided by the Tigris, and a pretty good special opps force, provided by the nomads.

Science and Technology: The central group of settlers were focused on science and therefore the island is very advanced. They have slightly better technology then modern day America. They are on the verge of creating laser weapons and teleporting devices, though both seem far off. As they focused on technology, magic is almost nonexistent among the people of Auctor Generis. The other two groups have adopted the technology as well and like it quite a lot.

Transportation: Planes, non-polluting automobiles, you name it. They've got quite a bit of high tech transportation.

Energy: They have harnessed solar energy rather well but the central group also has nuclear energy to power the whole island.

Religion: The scientific central group, and the nomads really have no religion. If anything you could call them atheist. The Tigris however have a traditional tribal religion that they care for greatly and try to preserve. It's basic beliefs are that there was a great spirit who created all the world and that he placed all life on the earth for a reason. The Tigris have many traditional rituals and ceremonies.

Education: The education of the Auctor Generis is very science and math centered. All three groups use a system very similar to America's. There are elementary, middle, and high schools along with 3 very prestigious colleges, one in each section of the nation.

Health: With the advances in technology health for all three groups is very good. The two human sections have an average life expectancy of 85 and the Tigris, who have always had longer lives, can be expected to live to about 125.

Food: The Tigris are very centered on the red meats and vegetation they can find in their rain forest. While the central and eastern sections depend more on the ocean. Though as all three are united they trade their various good with another so everyone has a balanced diet.

Sports: The Tigris enjoy a sport, under a name only they can pronounce, very similar to rugby. The central scientists don't particularly care for sports. Whereas the nomads have games similar to soccer and baseball.

Monsters: The monsters are most abundant in the rain forest where they are beast-based and insect-based. The monsters are fewest in the central region where whatever does appear is usually from the ocean, so obviously aquatic monsters. The monsters in the nomad region are like the nomads. They don't ever really stay in place and they are usually bird-based.



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Sorry, I would help but I'm doing the stuff for Zodiac that requires partial attention. The other part is well, this. I'm real good at making up names for stuff though. If you describe something or someone to me, I can try and come up with a suitable name. That's abut all I can do currently. :/

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